The Department of Computer Science's honors program consists of an honors track and honors graduation requirements.
Honors Track
The department offers a special honors track to qualified students. Admission to the honors track is by application; an application form is available from the computer science undergraduate office or from the department website. Students should apply no later than the end of the first semester of their junior year. Students in the honors track will have their progress reviewed by the honors committee, and are expected to earn B's or better in their advanced computer science courses (300 level and above). Students who successfully complete the honors track with a GPA in their computer sciences courses of at least 3.5 will qualify for graduation with honors in computer science. Each student in the honors option will be assigned a faculty adviser with whom the student will formulate a proposed course plan to meet honors graduation requirements, subject to the approval of the computer science honors committee.
Honors Graduation Requirements
The honors graduation requirements are:
- 1-credit introductory seminar (This should be done as early as possible in a student's career.)
- two units of honors credit (These are either honors sections at the 300 or 400 level in computer science, a computer science capstone project, or another program approved by the honors committee and a sponsoring faculty member. Alternatives include graduate courses in computer sciences or advanced honors-level courses in a related discipline such as mathematics.)
- a GPA in computer science courses of at least 3.5