Associate Professor of Law. Professor Perry earned her B.A.
from Yale College in 1994 where she completed a double major in
literature and American studies. She received her Ph.D. in the program
in the History of American Civilization from Harvard University, and
her J.D. from Harvard Law School, both in 2000. Subsequently, she
served as a fellow and adjunct professor at the Georgetown University Law Center. In
the fall of 2005 she served as a visiting professor at the University
of Pennsylvania Law School. Dr. Perry has been on the faculty of Rutgers' School of
Law-Camden since 2002, where she has taught classes in contracts, law
and literature, and critical race theory. Her scholarly work is
transdisciplinary using the methods and materials of the study of law,
literature, history, psychology, and popular culture. She is the
author of a number of articles in the field of law and cultural
studies, and her first book is entitled, Prophets of the Hood: Politics and Poetics in Hip Hop
(Duke University Press, 2004). Dr. Perry is currently at work on a
second book on race in law and culture in the post-civil rights