Introduction to Latina/o Studies (3)
Interdisciplinary study of Latinx in the United States, including distinct immigrants, national origin, and ethnic groups.
Afro-Latinx Studies (3)
This interdisciplinary course examines the lives, communities, and cultural productions of Afro-Latinas/os in the United States.
Latino Jersey (3)
Interdisciplinary introduction to the main questions, themes, and debates in the study of Latinx in the state of New Jersey.
Latinos and Migration (3)
This course examines the origins and processes of migration by peoples from Latin America and the Hispanic Caribbean to, from, and within the United States. We will explore various theoretical and narrative models of migration from individual and family choices on migration to implementation of migration policies internationally. Topics of discussion include: poverty, unequal development, competition for resources, political instability, state violence, environmental racism, and natural disasters.
Border Cultures (3)
As a field, border studies encompasses the disciplines of cultural studies, sociology, economics, political science, and immigration studies. This course will provide an interdisciplinary introduction to the study of the U.S./Mexico border. We will examine how lines and boundaries are drawn between geographical spaces, communities, ethno-racial groups and, most important, people.