Students seeking elementary certification should take the education department courses in the following order:
21&62:310:417,418 Topics in Education (3,3)
21&62:310:410 Issues in Urban Education and Sophomore Practicum (3)
21&62:310:411 Social Foundations of Education (3)
21&62:240:336 Communication Skills and Social Studies Pre-K-8 (fall) (3)
21&62:240:342 Methods of Teaching Mathematics Pre-K-8 (fall) (3)
21&62:240:343 Methods of Teaching Science and Health (spring) (3)
21&62:300:314 Methods of Teaching Reading and Junior Practicum (6)
21&62:250:487 Student Teaching and Seminar (6)
Students seeking secondary certification should take education department courses in the following order:
21&62:310:417,418 Topics in Education (3,3)
21&62:310:410 Issues in Urban Education and Sophomore Practicum (3)
21&62:310:411 Social Foundations of Education (3)
21&62:240:360 Introduction to Teaching Secondary School (fall) (4)
21&62:300:386 Principles and Techniques of Teaching Secondary School (spring) (5)
21&62:300:314 Methods of Teaching Reading and Junior Practicum (6)
21&62:250:487 Student Teaching and Seminar (6)
FAS-N major and additional teaching field requirements for secondary education:
Art: Art major
English: English major
French: French major
Spanish: Spanish major
Mathematics: Mathematics or applied mathematics major
Music: Music major, including both instrumental and choral courses
Social Studies: History major, plus one course each in American
government, anthropology, economics, and sociology or Anthropology,
economics, political science, or sociology majors, plus 21 additional
credits in history, including United States History I and II, Western
Civilization I and II, and a course in world history
Biological sciences: Biology major
Earth sciences: Geology major
Physical sciences: Chemistry or physics major
National Teachers Examination Praxis II for each teaching field:
Art: Art content knowledge
Elementary education: Elementary education content knowledge
English: English language, literature, and composition: content knowledge
Mathematics: Mathematics content knowledge
Music: Music content knowledge
Social Studies: Social Studies content knowledge
Biological sciences: Biology: content knowledge, Part II;
General Science: content knowledge, Parts I and II
Earth sciences: Earth science, content knowledge; General
Science: content knowledge, Part I
Physical Sciences: Chemistry: content knowledge;
Physics: content knowledge
General Sciences: content knowledge, Part I
Foreign Languages:
French: French content knowledge,
Spanish: Spanish content knowledge