Required Rutgers-Newark Courses (10 credits)
21:120:335 General Microbiology (4)
21:120:443 Immunology (3)
21&62:640:114 Precalculus (3)
Elective Rutgers-Newark Courses (8 credits)
It is recommended that electives be chosen from:
21:120:352 Genetics (3)
21:120:356 Molecular Biology (3)
21&62:160:227 Experimental Analytical Chemistry (3)
21&62:750:203,204 General Physics (4,4)
21&62:750:205,206 General Physics Laboratory (1,1)
Professional Courses at UMDNJ-SHRP (45 credits)
Third Year
Summer Term
CLSC 2119 Clinical Laboratory Skills I (2)
CLSC 2129 Hematology I (3)
CLSC 2169 Body Fluids (1)
CLSC 2239 Immunohematology and Clinical Immunology I (4)
Fourth Year
First Term
CLSC 2249 Clinical Chemistry I (4)
CLSC 2279 Clinical Microbiology I (4)
CLSC 4339 Immunohematology II (2)
CLSC 4449 Clinical Practice in Chemistry (2)
IDST 4111 Health Services Issues and Trends (1)
Second Term
CLSC 4319 Clinical Laboratory Skills II (2)
CLSC 4329 Hematology II (3)
CLSC 4349 Clinical Chemistry II (3)
CLSC 4359 Clinical Immunology II (1)
CLSC 4379 Clinical Microbiology II (2)
CLSC 4429 Clinical Practice in Hematology and Urinalysis (2)
Summer Term
CLSC 4339 Immunohematology II (2)
CLSC 4379 Clinical Microbiology II (2)
CLSC 4390 Medical Technology Seminar (2)
CLSC 4489 Independent Study (3)