The B.S. in biology major consists of 35 credits in biological
sciences plus cognate courses in chemistry, physics, mathematics, and
computer science. The following requirements define the major in
biology. All courses required for the major in biology, including
cognate courses, must be completed with a grade of C or better.
Students are urged to meet with their advisers regularly.
1. 21:120:101-102 General Biology (4,4)
2. 21:120:301 Foundations of Biology: Cell and Molecular Biology (4)
3. Students must complete one course from each of the categories listed below:
a. Organismal Approach. Biology and systematics of organismal groups from a phylogenetic perspective.
21:120:211 Plant Kingdom (4)
21:120:311 Taxonomy of Vascular Plants (4)
21:120:320 Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates (4)
21:120:322 Evolution (3)
21:120:327 Biology of Invertebrates (4)
b. Functional Approach. Functional mechanisms of living organisms.
21:120:230 Biology of Seed Plants (4)
21:120:330 Plant Physiology (4)
21:120:335 General Microbiology (4)
21:120:340 Mammalian Physiology (4)
c. Molecular and Cellular Approach. Structure and function of living systems at the molecular and cellular levels.
21:120:355 Cell Biology (3)
21:120:356 Molecular Biology (3)
21:120:360 Biochemistry (3) or Chem 473 Biochemistry (3)
d. Ecological Approach. Organism environment interactions; the
structure and function of populations, communities, and ecosystems.
21:120:370 Plant Ecology (3)
21:120:380 Animal Ecology (3)
21:120:481 Marine Biology (4)
e. Computational Approach.
Math 371 Physiology and Medicine (3)
Math 430 Analytical and Computational Neuroscience I (3)
Math 431 Computational Neuroscience Systems II (3)
21:120:451 Laboratory in Cellular and Molecular Biology: Cellular Biophysics (4)
4. In addition to the above courses, the following courses may be used to complete the 35 credits for a biology major:
21:120:325 Animal Parasites (3)
21:120:326 Laboratory Exercises in Parasitology (1)
21:120:342 Developmental Biology (4)
21:120:346 Neurobiology (3)
21:120:352 Genetics (3)
21:120:358 Microanatomy of Cells and Tissues (4)
21:120:371 Field Studies in Plant Ecology (3)
21:120:381 Field Studies in Animal Ecology (3)
21:120:382 Animal Behavior (3)
21:120:403 Biological Ultrastructure (3)
21:120:404 Light and Electron Microscopy (4)
21:120:413 Mycology (4)
21:120:414 Phycology (4)
21:120:415 Paleobotany (4)
21:120:430 Plant Growth and Development (4)
21:120:443 Immunology (3)
21:120:445 Endocrinology (3)
21:120:452 Laboratory in Celluluar and Molecular Biology II:Molecular Biotechniques (4)
21:120:455 Molecular Cell Biology (3)
21:120:456 Virology (3)
21:120:470 Field Ecology (3)
21:120:472 Environmental Assessment (3)
21:120:473 Ecology of Microorganisms (3)
21:120:486 Tropical Field Biology (2)
21:120:487 Systems Ecology (3)
21:120:491 Problems in Biology (3)
21:120:492 Problems in Biology (3)
21:120:493 Seminar in Biology (1)
21:120:494 Seminar in Biology (1)
5. All students are required to take two laboratory-based courses
beyond Foundations of Biology. One of these may be a field course.
6. A lab and/or field-based senior thesis is required of all students.
The thesis must be in written form and passed by two faculty readers.
7. Required cognate courses:
1. Chem 124, 125, 126 General Chemistry I and II plus
Laboratory (NJIT) or 21:160:113, 115, 114, 116 General Chemistry I
and II plus Laboratory
2. Chem 243, 244, 244A Organic
Chemistry I and II plus Laboratory (NJIT) or 21:160:331, 335,336
Organic Chemistry I and II plus Laboratory
3. Phys 111, 111A,
121, 121A Physics I and II plus Laboratories (NJIT) or
21:750:203,204, 205,206 General Physics I and II plus Laboratories
4. Math 111, 112, 211 Calculus I, II and III (NJIT) or 21: 640:135, 136, 235 Calculus I,II,III
5. Math 340 Applied Numerical Methods (NJIT)
6. CIS 114 Introduction to Computer Science II (NJIT)