21&62:003:015,016General Biology Support (0 + N1.5) Under the guidance of a faculty member, students learn effective study skills in organized study groups. Following the syllabus of the course being supported, students receive additional support. Corequisites: 21&62:120:101-102. |
21&62:003:060College Algebra Support (N1.5) Organized study group under the guidance of a faculty member. Following the syllabus of the course, students work collaboratively to enhance their ability to solve difficult problems. |
21&62:003:101Computation and Beginning Algebra (0 + N6) Develops awareness of and facility in mathematical thinking. Processes of generalizing, specializing, conjecturing, and justifying are explored through in-depth study of the properties of numbers, powers and roots, linear equations, graphs, and applications. |
21&62:003:102Elements of Algebra and Applications (2 + N2.5) Study of algebra and applications to other disciplines. Develops insight and facility in rational expressions, radicals, linear and quadratic equations, graphing, and applications. |
21&62:003:142,143Communications Skills: Writing and Reading Study Skills (2 + N4, 2 + N4) Two-term course in language and study skills; developmental activities to enhance the ability to perform the reading, writing, and study tasks required in college and to increase awareness of the uses of language; classroom, tutoring, and computer laboratory work included. Some sections designated for English as a second language. |