The applied physics program is offered jointly by the
physics departments of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences-Newark
(FAS-N) and the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). It is
designed to provide students with a broad background in physics and, at
the same time, to relate that background to work in many
high-technology industries, such as microelectronics, laser technology,
and systems design/control. The program also prepares students for
graduate studies in applied physics or, with some additional courses
for specific requirements, in engineering or computer science.
The applied physics program consists of a common core of basic physics
and mathematics courses and currently offers two tracks, one in
computational physics and one in microelectronics. The computational
physics track addresses industry`s current need for personnel in
scientific computing, software design, modeling, and simulation.
The microelectronics track augments standard training in microchip
engineering with the fundamental physics and mathematics underlying the
technology necessary for research and development.
The course requirements for successful completion of this program are:
Physics Courses
21&62:750:205,206 Introductory Physics Laboratory (1,1)
21&62:750:213,214 Elements of Physics * (4,4)
[21&62:750:203,204 General Physics I,II (4,4) may be
substituted under special circumstances]
21&62:750:315 Introductory Thermodynamics (3)
21&62:750:316 Introduction to Modern Physics (3)
21&62:750:333 Applications of Mathematics to Physics (3)
21&62:750:361 Mechanics I (3)
21&62:750:385,386 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves I,II (3,3)
21&62:750:404 Quantum Mechanics (3)
21&62:750:406 Introductory Solid-State Physics (3)
21&62:750:407, 408 Advanced Physics Laboratory I,II (1,1)
21&62:750:461 Computational Methods in Applied Physics (3)
EE 251 Digital Design**
Mathematics and Computer Science Courses
21&62:198:101,102 Computers and Programming I,II (3,3)
21&62:640:135,136 Calculus I,II (4,4)
21&62:640:314 Elementary Differential Equations (3)
Electrical Engineering Courses
EE 231,232 Circuits and Systems I,II**
EE 291 Electrical Engineering Laboratory**
Additional Computer Science Courses (required for the computational physics track)
CIS 438 Computer Graphics **
CIS 461 Systems Simulations **
Additional Physics Courses (required for the microelectronics track)
Phys 481,482 Microelectronics I,II **
The following courses are recommended, not required, as electives:
21&62:198:453 Microcomputers and Applications (3)
21&62:640:251 Linear Algebra (3)
21&62:640:327 Probability and Statistics (3)
21&62:640:403 Introductory Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable (3)
21&62:750:362 Mechanics II (3)
21&62:750:403 Introduction to Atomic and Nuclear Physics (3)
21:750:410 Physical Electronics (2)
21&62:750:411 Physical Optics (3)
21&62:750:462 Mathematical Methods of Theoretical Physics (3)
21&62:750:491 Physics Seminar (1)
CIS 421 Numerical Calculus **
CIS 438 Programming for Interactive Computer Graphics **