Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
About the University
Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick
Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students
School of Arts and Sciences
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
History and Aims
Academic Policies and Procedures
Degree Requirements
Programs of Study
Course Listing
Explanatory Note
Agriculture and Food Systems 020
Agriculture and Natural Resource Management 035
Animal Science 067
Arts and Sciences 090
Biochemistry 115
Bioenvironmental Engineering 117
Biotechnology 126
Community Health Outreach 193
Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources 216
Educational Opportunity Fund 364
Entomology 370
Environmental and Biological Sciences 015
Environmental and Business Economics 373
Environmental Planning 573
Environmental Policy, Institutions, and Behavior 374
Environmental Sciences 375
Food Science 400
Interdisciplinary Studies 554
Landscape Architecture 550
Leadership Skills 607
Marine Sciences 628
Meteorology 670
Microbiology 680
Nutritional Sciences 709
Plant Biology 776
Student to Professional Internship Network (SPIN) 902
Administration, Centers, and Faculty
Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
School of Communication and Information
School of Engineering
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
School of Management and Labor Relations
Honors College of Rutgers University-New Brunswick
General Information
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2024 School of Environmental and Biological Sciences Course Listing Marine Sciences 628  

Marine Sciences 628
11:628:100 Oceanography House (1.5) This first-year seminar introduces students to the application of technologies used in ocean observing systems. Students work in small groups mentored by undergraduates with prior observing system experience and participate in ongoing research and development. Intended for all students; no previous science required.
11:628:105 Sea Monsters and Weird Biology in Earth's Oceans (3) The ocean is full of giant sharks, mythic squids, gargantuan worms, and microbes that shape the planet. Biology is continually adapting and evolving, driven by the environment in which it lives. This class uses the ocean to explore how biology adapts and evolves. We will also explore how the ocean shapes our views of nature, assess how the ocean is changing, and consider how sustainable it will be in the future. Our goal is to increase the biological and ocean literacy of students.
11:628:114 Science, Pseudo-Science, and Society (3) Science has transformed society's understanding of the natural world. This course will introduce students to the process and use of science. It highlights how scientific understanding sometimes goes against current belief, leading to so-called "controversies."
11:628:120 Introduction to Oceanography (3) An exploration of the world's ocean and all its complex interactions with the planet. This course touches on a variety of disciplines including biology, geology, chemistry, and environmental sciences.
Intended for all students; no previous science required. Credit not given for both this course and 01:460:120.     
11:628:201-203, 205-210 Topics: Marine Sciences (1.5) Led by faculty in the Center for Ocean Observing Leadership. Specific topics depend on ongoing research on expanding and applying ocean observation technologies.
11:628:204 The Water Planet (3) Survey of the science, environmental impact, and resource allocation of water on the Earth. Characteristics of water: hydrologic cycle, runoff and erosion, river systems, past and present climates, water quality, political and economic aspects of water. Intended for all students; no previous science required. Credit not given for both this course and 01:460:204.   
11:628:221 Human Interactions with the Coastal Ocean (3) Study of the processes governing change in the oceans, with emphasis on basic scientific principles and the ways that scientific knowledge can be used to resolve environmental problems. Intended for all students; no previous science required.
11:628:230 Basic SCUBA Diving (1.5) This course introduces students to the fundamental academic concepts and practical skills of SCUBA diving as described by PADI (Professional Association of Dive Instructors) standards. The course provides students with the entry-level knowledge and skills necessary to safely participate in SCUBA dives to a depth of 60 feet (18 meters), or shallower. 
11:628:309 Fishery Science (3) Marine and freshwater, commercial and recreational fisheries; behavior of fish populations, fishers, and management institutions as well as the emergent properties of the entire system. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.
11:628:317 Aquaculture (3) Aquaculture production methods, fish and shellfish growth and reproduction, nutrition, genetics, disease control, economics, environmental consequences, and public policy issues. Prerequisites: 01:119:115-116,117 and 01:160:161-162. Class meets intensively for 10 days in January at the Haskin Shellfish Research Lab at Bivalve, in Port Norris, New Jersey. 
11:628:320 Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems (3) Overview of the fundamental processes in the marine environment with emphasis on interdisciplinary linkages in the functioning of marine ecosystems. Dynamics in the physics, chemistry, and biology of the oceans will be emphasized. Prerequisites: 01:640:135 and any ONE of the following courses in biology, chemistry, or physics: 01:119:116; 01:160:162; 01:750:194; 01:750:204.
11:628:321 Ichthyology (4) The biology of fish with emphasis on functional morphology, ecology, and behavior. Laboratory exercises will center on the identification and anatomy of New Jersey marine and estuarine fishes. Prerequisite: 01:119:116.
11:628:341 Hydrothermal Vents (3) Composition and dynamics of deep-sea hydrothermal vent communities and the geology of seafloor spreading centers. Prerequisites: 01:119:116 and 01:640:135.
11:628:345 Scientific Diving I (3) Introductory course designed to provide the student with the academics, practical skill applications, and SCUBA diving training to become competent and confident divers. Training will be conducted under the minimum standards of both the American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS) and applicable recreational training agencies toward  achieving AAUS Scientific Diving certification. Prerequisites: Medical statement with medical clearance for scuba diving as needed. Students must demonstrate satisfactory swimming ability, physical stamina, and emotional stability to instructor during the course.
11:628:346 Scientific Diving II (3) This is the second course of the American Academy of Underwater Science (AAUS) Scientific Diver Certification designed to provide the student with the academic, practical, and SCUBA skills training to meet and exceed AAUS minimum standards for Scientific Diving certification. Prerequisite: 11:628:345.
11:628:363 Oceanographic Methods and Data Analysis: Biology and Chemistry (3) Basic techniques to collect, analyze, report, and interpret biological and chemical oceanographic data. Prerequisite: 11:628:320.
11:628:364 Oceanographic Methods and Data Analysis: Physical Processes (3) A field and laboratory course in the analytical tools of oceanography, focusing on navigation, GPS, instrumentation for in situ and remote collection of physical and chemical properties of the ocean. Prerequisite: 11:628:320.
11:628:402 The Role of Polar Regions in the Earth System (3) The polar regions are a central to the Earth system, playing an outsized role in regulating the planet's climate, chemistry, and ecosystems. The polar regions are changing rapidly in response to global warming, with far-reaching impacts on sea level rise, carbon cycling, and other global dynamics. Processes in the Arctic and Antarctic are central to understanding past and future climate variations, biodiversity and marine resources. In this course, we will build on fundamental physical and biological principles to understand the links between the cryosphere, ocean, atmosphere and biosphere in the polar regions. We will explore the drivers of polar change, and the ramifications of these changes for the Earth system and climate. Prerequisite: 11:628:320 Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems
11:628:405 Molecular Microbial Oceanography (3) This course will highlight emerging efforts to elucidate the activity, diversity, and evolution of microbial genes and link them to key oceanic ecosystem and biogeochemical processes by merging biochemistry, molecular biology, and genome-based approaches with innovative instrumentation. Prerequisites: 01:119:116 and (11:628:320 or 11:216:351).
11:628:410 Biophysical Interactions: From Barnacles to Jellyfish (3) Focuses on understanding how organisms interact with and are affected by their physical fluid environment, including life at low Reynolds numbers, biomechanics, benthic boundary layers, diffusion, and dispersal. Many principles that are relevant for algae and benthic invertebrates also apply to microbes, terrestrial plants and animals, and chemical tracers. Prerequisite: 11:628:320 and 01:640:136
11:628:421 Advanced Geographic Information Systems (3) Research and applications in Geographic Information Systems; geodesy and georeferencing; uncertainty and error propagation; multicriteria/multiobjective decision-making; introduction to surface analysis and spatial pattern analysis; change/time series analysis; GIS and society. Prerequisite: 01:450:321 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems.
11:628:451 Physical Oceanography (4) Principles of ocean physics. Mass, momentum, heat, and freshwater conservation and atmospheric exchange. Influence of Earth's rotation. The ocean's role in climate. Tides, waves, and currents. Effects of ocean circulation on its biology and chemistry. Prerequisite: 01:640:136
11:628:452 Geophysical Data Analysis (3) Quantitative analysis and display of spatial and time series data, filters, spectral analysis, covariance, coherence, confidence intervals, goodness-of-fit, optimal interpolation of unequally spaced data, empirical orthogonal functions, harmonic analysis. Practical exercises in Matlab analysis. Individual projects and presentations. Prerequisite: 01:640:252.
11:628:461 The Biology of Living in the Ocean: Water Column Ecosystems and Processes (3) Processes that regulate the biology of the plankton and fish, which drives the community ecology for ocean ecosystems. It covers ecological themes such as the acquisition and transformation of energy and materials, population regulation, competition/predation dynamics, population connectivity, and marine food webs. Also highlights approaches and technologies used to make measurements in the ocean. Prerequisite: 11:628:320.
11:628:462 The Biology of Living in the Ocean: Boundary Ecosystems and Processes (3) Processes that regulate the biology, productivity, populations, and communities of organisms at ocean boundaries, including intertidal zones, estuaries, salt marshes, coral reefs, hydrothermal vents, and the sea floor. This course covers ecological themes such as the acquisition and transformation of energy and materials, population regulation, competition/predation dynamics, population connectivity, and marine food webs. Prerequisite: 11:628:320.
11:628:472 Chemical Oceanography (3) Chemical description of the sea and how the distributions of chemical species in the world ocean are related to physical, chemical, biological, and geological processes. Prerequisites: 01:160:162 and 11:628:320.
11:628:474 Coastal Biogeochemical Cycles in a Changing World (3) Coastal environments are dynamic zones where terrestrial and marine environments meet. They are high-productivity regions of intense biogeochemical cycling that are increasingly challenged by anthropogenic changes including: sea-level rise, ocean acidification, and eutrophication. We will explore four coastal environments from the poles to the tropics while building skills in analysis software. Cross-listed with 11:375:474. Prerequisites: 11:628:320 or permission of instructor.
11:628:476 History of the Earth System (3) The Earth as an evolving physical/biological system; physical and biogeochemical processes that have shaped the environment over geologic time. Prerequisites: Any three of the following: 01:119:116, 01:160:162, 01:750:204, 01:460:101; or permission of instructor.
11:628:497 (Fall), 498 (Spring) Special Problems in Marine and Coastal Sciences (BA,BA) Practical field/laboratory experience with faculty in the Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
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