Degree: B.S.
Chitra Ponnusamy (
Program Webpage:
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Food science is the study of the chemical, biological, and engineering aspects of food and its components. While this curriculum applies principles acquired in biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics to food, there is emphasis on the development of important problem-solving skills, giving students experience in reasoning and the use of scientific and mathematical techniques. Attention also is devoted to current issues, innovations, and ethical issues in foods and food processing. Finally, students are given an opportunity to utilize their creative abilities in a course devoted to the development of new foods and food products.
All Food Science majors are required to complete basic sciences and Food Science courses, along with the current SEBS Core Curriculum. Starting Fall 2022, all Food Science majors must follow One Pathway to Food Science Major. Upon graduation, students can choose to apply for jobs in food, beverage, and related industries or pursue graduate studies.