Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
About the University
Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick
Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students
School of Arts and Sciences
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
History and Aims
Academic Policies and Procedures
Degree Requirements
Programs of Study
Agriculture and Food Systems 020
Animal Science 067
Biochemistry 115
Bioenvironmental Engineering 117
Biological Sciences 119
Biotechnology 126
Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources 216
Entomology 370
Environmental and Business Economics 373
Environmental Engineering 366
Environmental Planning 573
Environmental Policy, Institutions, and Behavior 374
Learning Goals
Graduation Requirements for the Major
Environmental Sciences 375
Exercise Science 377
Food Science 400
Landscape Architecture 550
Marine Sciences 628
Meteorology 670
Microbiology 680
Nutritional Sciences 709
Plant Biology 776
Public Health 832
Minors and Certificate Programs
Student to Professional Internship Network (SPIN)
Military Education
Honors Programs
Study Abroad Programs
Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF)
Preprofessional Programs
Combined Degree Programs
Course Listing
Administration, Centers, and Faculty
Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
School of Communication and Information
School of Engineering
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
School of Management and Labor Relations
Honors College of Rutgers University-New Brunswick
General Information
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2024 School of Environmental and Biological Sciences Programs of Study Environmental Policy, Institutions, and Behavior 374  

Environmental Policy, Institutions, and Behavior 374

Degree: B.S.

Director: Rachael Shwom (

Program Website:

Managing Department (Department of Human Ecology):  

Program Description

Environmental policy, institutions, and behavior (EPIB) examines the human dimensions of environmental problems. It addresses such issues as how human actions affect the environment; how societies adapt to changes in natural resource availability; and how individuals, nations, and international agencies respond to environmental hazards. Courses in the program deal with local, regional, and national differences in the use of resources;  social and environmental aspects of health and illness; alternative strategies for environmental management; ethical, moral, and legal dimensions of environmental and resource issues; and the roles of governmental and nongovernmental agencies in environmental affairs.

To understand these topics, students are exposed to a multidisciplinary view of the environment and draw upon concepts from a variety of fields, including anthropology, ecology, economics, geography, sociology, political science, and psychology.

The objectives of the curriculum are to teach basic concepts and methods from the social, biological, and physical sciences as they relate to the interactions among people and the environment; to train students in the techniques of empirical research; to provide opportunities for experiences in real-world situations; to guide students in acquiring practical skills such as environmental assessment, professional writing, data analysis, and demographic analysis; and to broaden students' knowledge regarding environmental problems and how people cope with them.

Graduates are prepared for careers in health and environmental agencies at all levels of government, nonprofit organizations in the United States and internationally, and private companies, including environmental consulting firms, pharmaceutical companies, and green businesses. Some students also pursue graduate or professional studies in the social sciences, public health and medicine, public administration, law, and international development.

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