Class year is determined by the predicted year and month of graduation. Students are classified according to the number of credits they have completed by September:
first-year students =0-29 credits*
sophomore standing =30-59 credits
junior standing = 60-89 credits
senior standing = 90 or more credits
Although university commencement ceremonies only occur in May, degrees are also awarded in August and January.
Students are reviewed for graduation eligibility based on their declared class year and graduation month. Therefore, students must keep the¿SAS Office of Advising and Academic Services¿apprised of their anticipated graduation year and month by maintaining their record accurately. Students may update their graduation year and month by submitting a reclassification request** online at
Students are not permitted to preregister for the semester after their anticipated graduation date; exceptions are made in the case of students enrolling in a Rutgers graduate program immediately following graduation.
SAS Office of Advising and Academic Services¿will also conduct periodic reviews of credit progress and may auto-reclassify students based on the standards above.
*Note: students entering directly from high school with more than 30 credits are held to all policies governing first-year students.
**Note: students may not delay graduation to add credentials beyond the SAS degree requirements. Students whose academic goals and interests change after declaration should speak with an SAS advisor.