Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
About the University
Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick
Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students
School of Arts and Sciences
History and Aims of the School
Academic Policies and Procedures
Student Responsibility to Keep Informed
Academic Credit
Academic Support Services
Registration and Course Information
Interruption of Enrollment
Credit Load
Course Information
Academic Standing
Poor Academic Performance
Degree Requirements
Programs of Study for Arts and Sciences Students
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
School of Communication and Information
School of Engineering
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
School of Management and Labor Relations
Honors College of Rutgers University-New Brunswick
General Information
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2024 School of Arts and Sciences Academic Policies and Procedures Registration and Course Information Registration  


Students are responsible for monitoring the accuracy of their registration throughout each semester. Students must register for and successfully complete 30 credits a year (generally 15 credits a semester) in order to graduate in four years. Details about registration may be found under the registration section of the University Policies and Procedures section of the catalog and on the SAS Office of Advising and Academic Services website
Change of Courses. See the University Policies and Procedures section for the add/drop policy. 

Registering for Courses at Rutgers University-Camden, Rutgers University-Newark, and Rutgers Continuing Education
. School of Arts and Sciences students are expected to register for classes offered by the Rutgers University-New Brunswick faculties. Interunit registration for classes offered at Rutgers University-Newark, Rutgers University-Camden, or Rutgers Continuing Education is granted only in unusual circumstances and must be approved by the SAS Office of Advising and Academic Services prior to registration. Please note that this prior approval requirement applies to online and remote instruction courses as well as in-person courses.

Courses completed at other units of Rutgers University appear directly on the student's transcript and grades are included in the cumulative grade-point average. Because of differences in the structure of academic disciplines and in the details of requirements from unit to unit, there may be instances where specific courses may not be applicable to a School of Arts and Sciences major or minor or the Core Curriculum. Students should meet with an advisor and get approval from SAS Office of Advising and Academic Services prior to enrolling in these courses.
Registering for Courses in Other Institutions
. Matriculated students must receive prior approval for courses they intend to take for credit at another college or university. See 
Students are not permitted to be enrolled simultaneously at Rutgers-New Brunswick and another institution during the fall or spring semester. 
It is the responsibility of students to register for all courses needed to complete the degree requirements as outlined on their official curriculum summaries and to avoid scheduling courses for which credit already has been granted, either at Rutgers University or by transfer. 

Withdrawal from Courses
. Students may withdraw from courses during the designated withdrawal period before the eighth week of the semester. Please note that most students must maintain an active registration of 12 credits or more, so it is recommended that students consult with an academic advisor to determine the feasibility and effects of withdrawal from a course. Discontinuing class attendance does not constitute withdrawal from a course. See the University Policies and Procedures section for details of the add/drop policy; specific add/drop and withdrawal information for the current semester can be found on the websites of the New Brunswick registrar and the SAS Office of Advising and Academic Services and is communicated via email to all SAS students prior to the start of each semester. 
For additional information, contact RU-info at 848-445-info (4636) .
Comments and corrections to: One Stop Student Services Center.

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