37:575:100Introduction to Labor Studies and Employment Relations (3)Work, workers, and organizations that represent employees; class, race, gender, and work; legal, labor market, and human resource issues. Students must complete either 100 or 110 for the major or minor. Students may not count both toward the major.
37:575:110Work, Society, and the Quality of Life (3)Work, social class, diversity, and economic opportunity in the context of globalization; civic engagement and collective action to promote opportunity and social justice for all people.Students must complete either 100 or 110 for the major or minor. Students may not count both toward the major
37:575:191,192,193Short Topics on Work (1 each)Brief examination of selected issues with regard to work at a level
suitable for first-year college students, as well as those at a higher
level of academic preparation. Topics to be announced.
373:575:201U.S. Labor and Work before the End of Reconstruction (3)History of work, economic organization, and labor in the United States. Free
and slave labor. Early labor unions and
movements in the American context.
37:575:202History of Labor and Work in the U.S. 1880-1945 (3)Changes in work, its organization, and the public policy context. History, philosophy, structure, activities, and impact of U.S. labor unions.
37:575:203Work and Labor History from 1940 to the Present in the U.S. (3)Developments in work, labor organizations, and related social movements. Relationship of labor movements to the changing economic, social, and public policy context, including increasing
37:575:207New Jersey Labor History (3)Workers movements in New Jersey, both local and statewide; their
relationship to U.S. labor and working-class history from the earliest
period to today.
37:575:215Youth and Work (3)
Youth in the U.S. labor market; working students, internships, and unpaid work; job-hopping; and other contemporary concerns. Policies and practices to improve outcomes.
37:575:220 Law for Business and Nonprofit Organizations (3)Overview of legal essentials for organizations; contracts; torts;
organizational forms; property rights; cyber-law; bankruptcy; agency;
criminal law; basics of employment/labor law.
37:575:230People, Work, and Organizations (3)Contemporary organizational transformations forming the context for how people are managed at work; decline of bureaucracy and predictable internal careers; growth of flexible, knowledge-based systems.
37:575:240Sustainability, Jobs, and Justice (3)The interconnections between democracy, economy, and the environment; movements for social, economic, and environmental sustainability; the relationship between good jobs and environmental justice.
37:575:250Finance for Personal and Professional Success (3)
Overview of core financial concepts and techniques useful both at work and in personal life; interest, credit, insurance, investments, present value, and net worth.
37:575:265Introduction to Disability Studies: History, Rights, Justice, and Inclusion (3)Introduces perspectives on disability and its relationship to politics, employment, law, media, arts, sports, and built environments, focusing on creating social and economic change. Previously listed as 37:575:365 Disability, Work, and Society
37:575:294Avoiding Sexual Harassment (1)Legal, organizational, and social dimensions of sexual harassment in the
workplace; power, gender roles, homophobia, and failed romance;
effective prevention or response.
37:575:295Workplace Violence (1)Causes, consequences, and prevention of physical violence in the
American workplace. Organizational policies that preserve the rights
and well-being of all employees.
37:575:297Religion in the Workplace (1)Contemporary workplace issues stemming from employee religious
diversity. Employee rights, accommodation and inclusion; dominant group
privilege, prejudice, discrimination; and organizational responses to
religious diversity.
37:575:298Social Media in the Workplace (1)Issues for organizations and employees stemming from the increased use of social media by individuals. Hiring discrimination, professional image, collective action, ethics, and other concerns.
37:575:300Writing in Labor Studies and Employment Relations (3)Construction of a well-written argument in labor studies and employment relations; application of sound writing principles to contemporary labor policy issues; intensive practice.
37:575:301Labor and Democracy (3)Labor as a worldwide social and political movement; comparative and historical consideration of how labor can achieve influence in market economies and a better standard of living.
37:575:302Comparative Social and Employment Policy (3)Overview of such policy in wealthy democracies; the relationship between state and market; varieties of
capitalism and welfare states; social safety nets; family policy; labor movements' role.
37:575:303Black Workers in American Society (3)Examination of the historical relationships between African-American workers and the American labor movement; analysis of problems facing Black workers in the workplace.
37:575:304Comparative Employment Relations in Wealthy Nations (3)Employment relations systems in wealthy nations; corporate governance; social welfare; global and national labor standards; union-management relations; work organization; labor politics.
37:575:307Latino Workers in the U.S. (3)Role of Latino workers in U.S. society and the U.S. economy; impact of the new migration on the U.S. labor market and social policy.
37:575:308Dynamics of Work and Work Organizations (3)Examination
of the social dynamics of economic institutions and their corresponding
work relations; corporate organization and union structure;
selected problems of technological change; human relations in industry and the changing
bases of managerial authority.
37:575:309Working Women in American Society (3)Focus on the contemporary experience of working women, including an exploration of current legal strategies and social policies created to address their concerns.
37:575:310Labor Relations in Professional Sports (3)Labor relations systems in professional sports in the United States; unique institutional aspects and common features of union-management and employee relations.
37:575:311Organizational Design and Structure (3)New and old methods of organizing work and organizations ranging from hierarchical bureaucracy to contemporary models emphasizing teamwork and/or flatter or networked structures.
37:575:312Conflict and Conflict Resolution in the Workplace (3)How people resolve work-related grievances: bargaining, grievance procedures, mediation, arbitration, demonstrations, strikes, and industrial violence. Examines union and nonunion workplaces.
37:575:313New Technology and Work (3)Impact of new technology on work, workers, and society. Emerging technologies like digital platforms, algorithmic hiring, artificial intelligence, and practices like gig jobs.
37:575:314Collective Bargaining (3)Comprehensive study of the development of collective bargaining; the nature and scope of contracts; the changing character of collective bargaining processes through negotiation, legislation, the courts, and arbitration; the substantive issues in bargaining, including the implications for public policy.
37:575:315Employment Law (3)Overview of employment at-will and its limitations; wages and hours; medical/family leave; privacy;
drug testing; workers compensation; and fundamental antidiscrimination law.
Required course for the B.S. in labor and employment relations program (not a required course for the B.A. program).
37:575:316Employment Discrimination Law (3)Legal, regulatory, and public policy approaches to employment discrimination of all types; Title VII, ADA, ADEA, relevant N.J. laws, and related court decisions.
37:575:317Contingent and Nonstandard Work (3)Issues arising from employment relationships that have nonstandard aspects; temporary, leased, or part-time employees; independent contractors and owner-operators.
37:624:348Leadership in the Workplace (3)Leadership in work organizations, including unions, nonprofit, and
businesses. Key leadership issues in small groups and large
organizations; diversity concerns; leadership development. Previously listed under 37:575:318 Leadership in Work Organizations
37:575:319Leadership and Governance of Labor Unions (3)Leadership of all types of labor organizations. Internal management; union politics; relationships with other organizations; use of media; and other key leadership issues. Prerequisite: 37:575:100 or 110, or permission of the instructor.
37:575:320Immigration and Public Policy (3)Immigration and immigrant workers in American society and related public policy debates; history; immigrants in unions and community organizations.
37:575:321Immigration Law and Employment Rights (3)Contemporary immigration law in the United States; employer compliance issues;
employee rights; immigrant employee representation; and related policy
37:575:322American Labor Unions in Politics (3)Role of the labor movement in the political process from the New Deal to the present, including an analysis of its ideology, its legislative agenda, its political action, and its impact on public policy.
37:575:325Economics of the Employment Relationship (3)Fundamentals of labor economics. Economic dimensions of public policies and human resource administration.
37:575:326 Negotiation Concepts and Techniques (3)Negotiation strategy and tactics; interests and interest-based
bargaining, rights, power, leverage, concessions, commitment;
application of theory in various work-life contexts; negotiation skill
37:575:330Working Women and the Law (3)Survey of law affecting women as employees: antidiscrimination, OSHA, and other laws. How law relates to advancement opportunities for women, the glass ceiling, and employer behavior.
37:575:335Women and Labor Movements: A Global Perspective (3)How labor movements around the world are addressing such issues as pay equity, equal opportunity, sexual and racial harassment, work-life balance, and women's leadership.
37:575:336Employment Relations in Emerging Economies (3)Changing employment relations systems in nations that are rapidly
industriailzing; focus on labor movements; labor management relations;
labor standards and public policy.
37:575:337 Workers and Multinationals in Global Perspective (3)Impact of multinationals and global value chains on workers in
developing nations. Issue of labor standards; corporate social
responsibility; international labor organizations; and regulatory
37:575:338Occupational Safety and Health (3)Federal and state regulatory laws and enforcement; the basic issues involved in safety and health at the workplace; and worker, union, and employer response to the issues.
37:575:340American Labor Law (3)Examination of the present legal arrangements governing the conduct of labor relations in the United States; historical development and impact of common law, legislative statutes, and court decisions on the growth of the labor movement.
37:624:345Organizational Behavior and Work (3)Behavior by individuals and groups in the workplace; group and intergroup dynamics; organizational culture, structure, and change; leadership, employee motivation, job performance, and feedback. Previously listed as 37:575:345
37:575:350Public Sector Collective Bargaining (3)Study of employer-employee relations in the public sector; federal executive orders and state and municipal legislation regulating public employers and employee organizations; procedures for bargaining unit certification, representation, and recognition; dispute resolution techniques.
373:575:355Current Labor Problems (3)A selected number of labor and employment issues that have particular relevance in contemporary society.
37:575:357Social Movements, Social Change, and Work (3)The theory and practice of social movements and social change, particularly those related to work; the prospects for current and future mobilization.
37:575:359Organizing for Social Change (3)Theory and practice of community organizing for social change for labor and community groups; membership building; leadership development; strategy development; community power analysis; campaign planning.
37:575:360Union Organizing (3)Introduction to and critical analysis of union-organizing strategies and tactics.
37:575:361 Labor and Corporate Restructuring (3)Study of how management efforts to decentralize organizational structures and reduce employment levels affect industrial relations, work and workers, skill levels and training needs, and productivity and the macro-economy.
37:575:362The Work-Education Connection (3)What do workers need to know to be prepared for the jobs being generated by the global economy? How do the American secondary and higher education systems prepare workers for changing jobs?
37:575:363Labor and the Global Economy (3)Changes in the global economy and their effects on the living standards and bargaining power of American workers and their unions. Alternative strategies for dealing with globalization.
37:624:364 Diversity in the Workplace (3)Focuses on how the increasing demographic diversity of American workplaces affects social relations, cultural dynamics, and organizational effectiveness. Previously listed under 37:575:364
37:575:366Asian-American Workers in a Global Context (3)Social structures affecting Asian-American workers; contemporary and
historical immigration policies; stereotypes and other problems;
racialized employment; inequality and achievement; differences by nation
37:575:367Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace (3)Nature of emotional intelligence and its effects on employee performance and organizational success; research on development of emotional intelligence; self-awareness and self-development.
37:575:368Professional Development Strategies (3)Best practices in professional development; organizational strategies for addressing employee retention, work/life balance, wellness, communication, and other matters related to employee development.
37:575:375Benefits and Social Insurance (3)Overview of benefits with a focus on social insurance systems, health insurance, and pensions. Relevant issues for employers, employees, unions, and public policy.
37:624:376Corporate Governance, Power, and Control (3)Corporate governance and the impact of corporations on society; boards of directors; executive compensation; principal-agent/stakeholder theories; issues for labor and the public. Previously listed under 37:575:376
37:575:377Democratic Workplaces (3)Democracy within the firm, employee ownership, and coops; approaches to
economic democracy; political and economic theory; case studies; and
related career tracks.
37:575:378 Solving Labor Problems through Social Entrepreneurship (3)Concepts and skills for starting nonprofit organizations or businesses
addressing problems of employees and their families; innovative business
models; venture plans; critical and supportive perspectives.
37:575:385Finance for Organizational Leadership (3)
Quantitative financial and accounting techniques in organizations used for cost analysis and performance decisions. The class is for nonfinancial leaders in profit and nonprofit organizations.
37:575:391,392,393,394 Issues in Work (1 each)Brief examination of selected issues in labor and employment relations. Topics to be announced.
37:575:395Perspectives on Labor Studies (3)In-depth study of the classic works on the nature of labor, the
relationship of work to other social functions, and the relationship
between workers and management. Open only to majors who have completed at least 15 credits of labor studies coursework.
37:575:396,397Concerns at Work (2 each)Examination of contemporary issues related to work; topics to be announced.
37:575:401Research Methods in Labor Studies (3)Overview of both quantitative and qualitative research methods commonly used in the study of labor problems.
37:575:402 Research Corporations and Industries (3)Overview of methods used to investigate the competitive
situation/prognosis of an industry's employers, profitability, sales,
employment, wages, and unionization; strategic corporate research.
37:575:403Problem-Solving Tools at Work (3)Applied analytical and statistical tools for solving problems at work,
surveying employees, and maintaining quality. Projects are
individual/group and spreadsheet-intensive.
37:575:404Creating and Administering Surveys (3)Issues for online, mail, telephone, and in-person surveys given their intended
use. Samples: item construction;
scaling; measurement validity and reliability; improving response rates;
ethical research.
37:575:407Workers' Movements in New Jersey (3)Examination of workers' movements at state and local levels in New Jersey, using library resources, interviews, participant observations, and movement archives. Research results document the development of the New Jersey labor movement.
37:575:450Senior Seminar in Labor Studies (3)In-depth study of a labor studies topic. Intensive reading and
discussion designed to integrate student experiences in the labor
studies major. Topics vary. Open to labor studies majors with senior standing, except by special permission.
37:575:490Internship in Labor Education (BA)Students work under the supervision of individual faculty members and other experienced labor educators to develop and/or teach courses and workshops. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
37:575:480,481,491,492,493Topics in Labor Studies (3 each)In-depth examination of particular topics concerning work organization, worker problems, or worker organizations.
37:575:494,495Independent Study and Research (BA,BA)An individual reading and research project under the guidance of a labor studies faculty member on a topic of interest to the student. Prerequisite: Departmental permission.
37:575:496,497Internship in Labor Studies (BA,BA)Students work as staff members in a union or labor-related organization (public or private), in an industrial relations unit in private industry, or as employees in a position that permits observation of, and participation in, a labor union at the grassroots level. Allows students to apply conceptual knowledge learned in the classroom to actual situations and to acquire new skills and knowledge. Prerequisite: Departmental permission.
37:575:498,499Honors in Labor Studies (BA,BA)An individual research and reading project under the guidance of a member of the department. Prerequisite: Permission of department.
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