Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
About the University
Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick
Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students
School of Arts and Sciences
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
School of Communication and Information
School of Engineering
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
School of Management and Labor Relations
General Information
Aims of the School
Academic Policies and Procedures
Labor Studies and Employment Relations
Human Resource Management
Five-Year Programs
Honors College of Rutgers University-New Brunswick
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Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2024 School of Management and Labor Relations General Information Faculty  


Vikrant Advani; M.A., Rutgers
Labor and employment relations

Eric Blanc; Ph.D., New York

Joseph R. Blasi; Ed.D., Harvard
Sociology of organizations

Dana Britton, Chair, Department of Labor Studies and Employment Relations; Ph.D., Texas (Austin)
Gender and work; gender and social control

William Brucher; Ph.D., Brown
Labor education

Nichelle Carpenter; Ph.D., Texas A&M
Industrial/organizational psychology

William Castellano; Ph.D., Rutgers
Industrial relations and human resources

Tracy F.H. Chang, Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Ph.D., Iowa

Rosemarie Cipparulo; J.D., Rutgers
Union-side labor law; employment law; constitutional law; and civil rights matters

Douglas Coffey; M.B.A., St. John's

Ashley Conway; M.A., American
Workplace development; communications; occupational safety and health

James M. Cooney; J.D., School of Law, Miami

Sheri Davis; Ph.D., Emory
American studies

Lindsay Yasmin Dhanani; Ph.D., Central Florida
Industrial/organizational psychology

William Dwyer; M.A., Rutgers

Adrienne Eaton, Dean of Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations; Ph.D., Wisconsin
Industrial relations

Hadi El-Farr; Director, Online Professional Master of Human Resource Management Program; Ph.D., Leeds
Knowledge management; diversity issues; labor economics

Jie (Jasmine) Feng; Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)

David A. Ferio, Director, Master of Human Resource Management Program; A.B.D., Stevens Institute of Technology

Janice Fine; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Political science

Rebecca Kolins Givan; Ph.D., Northwestern
Health care work and the public sector

Rebecca Greenbaum, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Ph.D., Central Florida

Ryan Greenbaum, Director, Undergraduate Program in Human Resource Management; M.B.A., Oklahoma State 

Joo Hun Han; Ph.D., Maryland
Strategic HRM compensation

Christopher Hayes; Ph.D., Rutgers

Charles Heckscher; Ph.D., Harvard

Lawrence Houston III; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State
Industrial-organizational psychology

Hazel-Anne M. Johnson-Marcus; Ph.D., South Florida
Industrial-organizational psychology

William Kane; Ph.D., Fielding Graduate
Organizational development and change

Carla Katz; J.D., Seton Hall

Maria L. Kraimer; Ph.D., Illinois (Chicago)
Business administration and human resource management

Douglas Kruse; Ph.D., Harvard

Sheila Lawrence; Ph.D., Rutgers
Statistical analysis; quality management; problem-solving

Barbara A. Lee; Ph.D., Ohio State; J.D., Georgetown
Higher education administration

Tamara Lee; Ph.D., Cornell
Political economic reform in Cuba; U.S. labor and employment law

Mingwei Liu, Associate Dean for Research; Ph.D., Cornell
Industrial and labor relations

Xiangmin (Helen) Liu; Ph.D., Cornell
Human resource studies

Anne-Michelle Marsden; M.S., Florida State
Human sciences

Carmen Martino; M.A., Rutgers
Labor studies

Joseph McCune; Ph.D., Michigan State
Industrial/organizational psychology

Jessica R. Methot, Director, Ph.D. Program in Industrial Relations and Human Resources; Ph.D., Florida

Christopher Michael; Ph.D., City University of New York, political science;
J.D., City University of New York School of Law

Akhila Naik; J.D., City University of New York School of Law

Julie Peters; M.A., Centenary

Danielle Phillips-Cunningham; Ph.D., Rutgers
Women's and gender studies

Yana van der Muelen Rodgers; Ph.D., Harvard

Ralph Rodriguez; Ph.D., Temple
Organizational communication; human resource management

Peter Rokkos; J.D., Boston, School of Law

Saul Rubinstein; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Impact of changes in work organization on firms and unions

Francis Ryan; Director, Master of Labor and Employment Relations Program; Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Unionization in the public sector and retail industries; 20th-century working-class politics

Tobias Schulze-Cleven; Ph.D., California
Comparative/international employment relations; comparative political economy; European politics

Lisa Schur; J.D., Northeastern; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)

Susan J. Schurman; Ph.D., Michigan
Union effectiveness; workplace safety and health

Scott Seibert; Ph.D., Cornell
Organizational behavior; careers; leadership and motivation; entrepreneurship 

Marilyn Sneiderman; M.S.W., Wisconsin
Labor and organizing

Michael C. Sturman, Chair, Department of Human Resource Management; Ph.D., Cornell
Employee performance; compensation; pay-for-performance; HR analytics

Kyra Leigh Sutton; Ph.D., Ohio State
Labor and human resources

Jim Terez; M.A., Rutgers; M.B.A., New York

Christopher To; Ph.D., New York

Todd E. Vachon; Ph.D., Connecticut

Michelle Van Noy; Ph.D., Columbia
Sociology and education

Paula B. Voos, Academic Program Director, Labor Studies and Employment Relations Programs; Ph.D., Harvard

Naomi R Williams; Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)

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