Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
About the University
Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick/Piscataway
Programs of Study For Liberal Arts Students
Douglass College
Livingston College
Rutgers College
University College
Cook College
History and Aims
Academic Policies and Procedures
Degree Requirements
Programs of Study
Course Listing
Agriculture and Environmental Science 015
Animal Science 067
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 110
Biochemistry 115
Biotechnology 126
Bioresource Engineering 127
Cooperative Education 199
Education 300
Entomology 370
Environmental Planning and Geomatics 372
Environmental and Business Economics 373
Environmental Policy, Institutions, and Behavior 374
Environmental Sciences 375
Food Science 400
Landscape Architecture 550
Interdisciplinary Studies 554
Marine Sciences 628
Meteorology 670
Microbiology 680
Ecology and Natural Resources 704
Nutritional Sciences 709
Plant Pathology 770
Plant Science 776
Soils 930
Administration, Centers, and Faculty
Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
School of Communication, Information and Library Studies (SCILS)
School of Engineering
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
General Information
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
New Brunswick/Piscataway Undergraduate Catalog 2005-2007 Cook College Course Listing Environmental Sciences 375  

Environmental Sciences 375
11:375:101Introduction to Environmental Sciences (3) The impact of physical, chemical, and biological assaults on man and environment in air, water, wastewater, streams, noise, occupational health, and solid wastes.
11:375:102 Soils and Society (3) An introduction to soil processes; their role in the ecosystem; basic management concerns; soil quality, human health, and global processes.
11:375:201Biological Principles of Environmental Sciences (3) Hazardous agents, pollution, population interactions and dynamics; biogeochemical cycles in damaged and remediated ecosystems; environmental risk, management, and remediation; human health impacts. Prerequisites: 01:119:101-102, 01:160:161.
11:375:202Chemical Principles of Environmental Sciences (3) Biogeochemical cycles: mass balances within and among environmental reservoirs; importance of water; chemical properties of water and aquatic chemistry. Pre- or corequisite: 01:160:209 or 307.
11:375:203Physical Principles of Environmental Sciences (3) Physical properties of water, air, and soils; energy and water in the earth system; kinetic and potential energy; and soil/plant/ atmosphere relations. Pre- or corequisites: 01:750:194 or 202 or 204.
11:375:266Soils and Their Management (4) Formation; physical and chemical properties; classification; con-servation and management; uses of organic matter, limestone, and fertilizers; suitability for land application of sludge, septage, and hazardous wastes. Lec./lab. Prerequisites: 01:160:161-162, 171; 01:460: 101; or equivalent.
11:375:301Environment and Health (3) Examination of the relationship between human health and environmental disease agents; exposure and risk assessment of health hazards; origin, evaluation, and control of environmental health problems common to modern societies, such as pesticide use, environmental cancer, indoor air pollution, toxic wastes.
11:375:302Elements of Water and Wastewater Treatment (3) Introduction to unit operations that constitute the state of the art of water and wastewater treatment. Prerequisites: Two terms each of general chemistry and calculus.
11:375:303Numerical Methods in Environmental Science (3) Formulation and solution of environmental science problems by applying analytical and numerical techniques. Principles of data analysis. Generation and solution of mass and energy balances. (Formerly 11:375:437)
11:375:307Elements of Solid Waste Management and Treatment (3) The generation, storage, transport, processing, ultimate disposal, and regulation of municipal solid wastes, including discussion of agricultural and hazardous wastes and recovery of resources. Prerequisite: 11:375:203. Pre- or corequisite: 11:375: 303.
11:375:310Analytical Environmental Chemistry Laboratory (2) Analysis of environmental samples; environmental sampling procedures; experimental ethics; data analysis; HPLC, gc, and atomic adsorption spectroscopic analysis of organic and inorganic substances. Prerequisites: 01:160:162, 11:375:202.
11:375:312Environmental Microbiology Laboratory (2) Hands-on introduction to microbiological techniques related to environmental issues. Bacterial growth and nutrition, nutrient cycles, waste treatment, and water quality testing. Pre- or corequisites: 11:375:201, 202.
11:375:321Environmental Pollution in International Perspective (3) Resolution of problems of environmental pollution by international cooperation. Accomplishments presented through unifying themes.
11:375:322Energy Technology and Its Environmental Impact (3) Environmental consequences of energy utilization (transportation, space heating, etc.) and the production of power; the indirect effects of the isolation, purification, and transportation of primary energy resources.
11:375:333Environmental Law I (3) Theory and practice of environmental law in the context of common law remedies, constitutional environmental rights, and the public trust doctrine. Emphasis on constitutional "takings" and "preemption" issues, and on public policy and science interactions.
11:375:334Environmental Law II (3) Administrative agencies and legislatures as sources of environ-mental law, with emphasis on pollution control law. Topics include judicial review; the National Environmental Policy Act; federal and state statutory control of hazardous substances; and air, water, and land pollution. Prerequisite: 11:375:333.
11:375:336Occupational and Community Noise Control (3) Fundamentals of sound and sound measurement. The effects of noise, regulations, and enforcement. Field exercises.
11:375:345Environmental Transport Phenomena (3) Vectoral and Einstein notation and rules; conservation principles; scaling; vorticity, circulation, and flow lines; turbulence; diffusion/conduction; and radiative transfer. Prerequisites: 11:375:203, 01:640:252.
11:375:346Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry (3) Principles of atmospheric chemistry. Issues include the Antarctic ozone hole, ozone smog, acid rain, air toxics, greenhouse gases, and aerosols. Environmental implications of changing atmo- spheric composition. Prerequisites: 01:160:161, Calculus I, and two terms of physics.
11:375:351Land Planning and Utilization (3) Land as a natural resource; its use, capabilities, and conservation, with particular reference to erosion control. Lec. 2 hrs., fieldwork 3 hrs. Prerequisite: 11:375: 266.
11:375:360Soils and Water (4) Physical and chemical properties of soils, soil-water interactions, erosion, etc. Soil properties important to environmental planning. Soil survey interpretation and use. Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: 01:460:101 or equivalent.
11:375:399Hazardous Waste Operation and Emergency Response (1.5) Classroom instruction and hands-on learning of general skills required for working safely at a hazardous waste site. Meets the 40-hour OSHA requirement for hazardous waste site access certification. Offered in the winter session. Prerequisite: Open to junior or senior majors, or by permission.
11:375:403Principles of Epidemiology (3) Study of environmental disease patterns in human populations; emphasis on the association between environmental exposures and disease occurrence; analysis of causal relationships and risk estimates. Prerequisite: 11:375:301.
11:375:405Fundamentals of Water and Wastewater Analysis (4) Principles of quantitative and qualitative determinations of pol-lutants in waters, with special emphasis on modern techniques. Lec./rec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisites: 01:160: 161-162 or equivalent.
11:375:406Public Health Practice and Administration (3) Identification and control of community health problems. Organization and functions of public health agencies dis- cussed in conjunction with utilization of law in implementing health programs.
11:375:407Environmental Toxicology (3) Basic principles and applications of toxicology to environ- mental problems. Prerequisite: An organic chemistry course.
11:375:408Treatment Plant and Receiving Water Surveys (4) Wastewater treatment plant and receiving water surveys, sampling technology, data interpretation. Field trips to treatment plants and polluted streams with the required chemical, physical, and biological analyses. Prerequisite: 11:375:405.
11:375:409Environmental Statement and Impact (3) Methods, procedures, and regulations involved with preparation of environmental impact and assessment statements. Critical review of currently issued statements and evaluation of construction impacts.
11:375:410Workshop in Environmental Assessment and Impact (3) Firsthand experience in research, preparation, writing, and presentation of an environmental impact statement. Prerequisite: 11:375:409.
11:375:411Environmental Microbiology (3) Microorganisms in carbon, nitrogen, sulfur cycling, biogeochemical processes, and water and wastewater treatment systems; biodegradation strategies and pathways; and bioremediation of toxic contaminants in the environment. Prerequisite: One term of introductory microbiology or bacteriology.
11:375:416Chemical Reactions in the Environment (3) Transformation of toxic environmental chemicals by plants, animals, sunlight, and microorganisms; mechanisms involved in the formation of cancer-causing materials; analysis and identification of environmental metabolites.
11:375:421Air Pollution (3) Fundamental factors of atmospheric contamination; effect of pol-lution on man and environment; principles of measurement and survey; methods of control; air cleaning; legal aspects.
11:375:422Air Sampling and Analysis (3) Methods for collection and analysis of particulate and gaseous pollutants. Stack sampling techniques. Prerequisite: 11:375:421 or equivalent.
11:375:423Environmental Fate and Transport (3) The fate and transport of chemicals to determine chemical exposures in aquatic systems and predict future conditions. Emphasis on water quality problems introduced by addition of nutrients, metals, and toxic organic chemicals to water, soil, and air. Pre- or corequisites: 11:375:444 and 451.
11:375:425Radioactivity and the Environment (3) Atomic and nuclear radioactivity, fission, fusion, interaction of radiation with matter, biological effects. Radiation exposure limits, sources of environmental contamination, radioactive waste treatment and disposal.
11:375:426Introduction to Health Physics (3) The protection of people and the environment from unnecessary radiation exposure; principles and practices. Prerequisites: 01:640:138 and 01:750:203-204, or equivalent.
11:375:428Introduction to Radioisotope Toxicology (3) Development of radionuclidic transport and metabolism models. Associated dosimetry and mechanism of induced radiopathological states. Contemporary problems in medical radioisotope toxicology.
11:375:430Hazardous Wastes (3) Hazardous waste management: case studies, RCRA and other legislation and regulations, treatment and disposal technology, sampling and analysis, fate in the environment, site cleanup. Pre- or corequisite: 11:375:307.
11:375:431,432Special Problems in Environmental Science/Studies (BA,BA) Conferences; library and laboratory work on assigned topics. Prerequisites: Permission of adviser and curriculum coordinator of environmental science.
11:375:434Principles of Industrial Hygiene (3) Identification, evaluation, and control of chemical and physical stresses of industrial environment. Gases, aerosols, nonionizing radiation, noise, lighting, ergonomics, industrial ventilation, heat, and health standards.
11:375:435Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health (3) Systems safety, accident causation and investigation, hazard analysis, and loss control. Safety and risk management, including Worker's Compensation and safety regulations.
11:375:444Water Chemistry (3) Chemistry of natural and polluted waters; water quality; equilibrium models for several chemical systems in natural waters; stability of organic compounds. Prerequisites: 01:160:161-162 and 01:640:135, 138, or equivalent.
11:375:445Problems in Aquatic Environments (3) Effects of chemical and biological pollutants on marine and estuarine environments; demographic stresses. Prerequisites: 01:119:101-102, 01:160:161-162.
11:375:451Soil Chemistry (3) Chemical behavior in soils as it relates to their preservation, maintenance, and improvement for use by man. Prerequisite: 11:375:266. Offered odd-numbered years.
11:375:453Soil Ecology (3) Soil microbial contribution to ecosystem function, microbial diversity, nutrient cycling, soil enzymes, fate of soil amend- ments, soil flora and fauna, energy cycling, quantification of soil biological processes. Prerequisites: 01:119:101-102.
11:375:454Soil Biological Processes (3) Analysis of the properties defining the nature, function and sustainability of the soil biological community, including soil chemical, biological, and physical properties; microbial meta- bolic processes and their rates in the soil; and limitations to bioremediation. Prerequisites: 01:119:101-102, a term of organic chemistry.
11:375:455,456Internship in Environmental Health (2,2) A field program in which a student observes the practice of an environmental health department. Prerequisite: Written consent of instructor. Open only to environmental and public health students.
11:375:459Physical Properties of Soils (3) Characteristics of water, air, and heat movement and retention in soils. Contaminant movement and leaching. Soil mechanical properties, erodibility, and other physical properties. Prerequisite: 11:375:266.
11:375:462Soil Classification and Survey (4) Formation, development, and classification of natural soil types. Field trips and surveying of selected areas. Prerequisite: 11:375:266.
11:375:491Radioisotope Theory and Techniques (3) Theory and use of radioisotopes; principles and operation of radiation-counting systems; selected radiochemical techniques; emphasis on biological and medical applications of radioisotopes.
11:375:493Applied Health Physics (2) Basic concepts and practices of radiation protection. Designed for personnel involved with the use of ionizing radiation sources and radioisotopes.
11:375:494Radiation Laboratory (2) Laboratory practicum, with introductory lectures, in the use and detection of radioactive isotopes. Principles and operation of major radiation measurement systems, sample preparation, and protection techniques. Prerequisite: 11:375:425 or 491.
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