Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
About the University
Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick/Piscataway
Programs of Study For Liberal Arts Students
Faculties Offering the Programs
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Availability of Majors
Course Notation Information
Accounting 010
African Area Studies 016
Africana Studies
Aging 018
American History 512
American Literature
American Studies 050
Anthropology 070
Armenian 078
Art 080, 081
Art History 082
Arts and Science 090
Asian Studies 098
Astrophysics 105
Biological Sciences
Biomedical Sciences
Business Law 140
Catalan 145
Cell Biology
Chemistry 160
Chinese 165
Cinema Studies 175
Cognitive Science 185
Community Development
Comparative Literature 195
Computer Science 198
Criminal Justice 202
Dance 203, 206
Douglass College Courses
East Asian Languages and Area Studies 214
Economics 220
Education 300
Environmental Certificates
European Studies 360
Exercise Science and Sport Studies 377
Film Studies
Finance 390
Food Science 400
Foreign Language Proficiency Certificates
French 420
Geography 450
Geological Sciences 460
German 470
Greek 490
Greek, Modern Greek Studies 489
Hindi 505
Major Requirements
Minor Requirements
Teacher Certification
Departmental Honors Program
Courses (506)
Courses (508)
Courses (510)
Courses (512)
History/French Joint Major 513
History/Political Science Joint Major 514
Hungarian 535
Individualized Major
Interdisciplinary Studies
Italian 560
Japanese 565
Jewish Studies 563
Journalism and Media Studies 567
Junior Year Abroad
Korean 574
Labor Studies 575
Latin 580
Latin American Studies 590
Life Sciences
Linguistics 615
Livingston College Courses
Management 620
Marine Sciences 628
Marketing 630
Mathematics 640
Medical Technology 660
Medicine and Dentistry
Medieval Studies 667
Middle Eastern Studies 685
Military Education, Air Force 690
Military Education, Army 691
Molecular Biology
Nutritional Sciences 709
Operations Research 711
Philosophy 730
Physics 750
Physiology and Neurobiology
Planning and Public Policy 762
Polish 787
Political Science 790
Portuguese 810
Psychology 830
Public Health
Puerto Rican and Hispanic Caribbean Studies 836
Religion 840
Russian 860
Russian, Central and East European Studies 861
Rutgers College Courses
Science, Technology, and Society
Social Work 910
Sociology 920
South Asian Studies 925
Spanish 940
Statistics 960
Study Abroad 959
Theater Arts 965, 966
Ukrainian 967
University College–New Brunswick College Courses
Urban Studies
Visual Arts
Women's and Gender Studies 988
Douglass College
Livingston College
Rutgers College
University College
Cook College
Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
School of Communication, Information and Library Studies (SCILS)
School of Engineering
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
General Information
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
New Brunswick/Piscataway Undergraduate Catalog 2005-2007 Programs of Study For Liberal Arts Students Programs, Faculty, and Courses History Major Requirements  

Major Requirements

History majors must complete 11, one-term, 3-credit courses in history with a grade of C or better in each course, (1.5 credit minicourses do not count), according to the following program:

1. Four 100-level courses from among the following, no more than two of which are in the global history sequence:

  Global history:  01:506:110, 111, 112, 113, 114

  European history:  01:510:101, 102

  U.S. history:  01:512:103, 104

2. Seven 200- through 400-level courses, at least five of which must be at the 300 or 400 level, including a history seminar. History seminar, either 01:506:401 or 402, is required of all majors and normally taken in the junior year.

3. Of the 11 total courses, at least two must be in each of the three following areas:

   Global, African, Asian, Latin American, or Native American history (01:506:110-114 and all subject  508 courses)

   European history (510)

   United States history (512)

4. At least one course in the history of premodern civilization.

In consultation with an adviser, 100-level courses may be replaced by more advanced courses.

Ancient History and Classics Option

The ancient history and classics option in the history major requires 15 3-credit courses (of which at least three must be history department courses and at least three must be classics department courses), apportioned as follows:

1. At least two courses in ancient languages (at least two languages: Latin, Greek, and/or other ancient languages offered at the university, e.g., Sanskrit and Hebrew), with at least one of the courses at the 200 level or above. Advanced placement can substitute for either or both of the courses, if at the appropriate level. Suggested courses are 01:490:207 Classical Greek Prose and 01:580:203 Intermediate Latin Prose.

2. Three ancient history or classics survey courses at the 200 level, from among:
01:190:205 Greek Civilization
01:190: 206 Roman Civilization
01:508:200 Ancient Near East
01:510: 201 Ancient Greece
01:510:202 Ancient Rome
01:510: 205 Byzantium: The Imperial Age
01:510:207 Byzantium: The Last Centuries  In consultation with an adviser, appropriate higher-level courses, or courses from other departments, may be substituted for any of the 200-level courses mentioned above.

3. Six ancient history or classics lecture courses at the 300 level, from among:
01:190:320 Women in Antiquity
01: 190:322 Greek Political Philosophy
01:190:350 Greek Society
01:190:372 Cities of the Classical World
01:490: 306 From Athens to Alexandria
01:490:391 Readings in Greek Prose (historical topic/author)
01:510: 301 Early Greece
01:510:302 Classical Greece
01:510:303 Hellenistic World
01:510:304 The Rise of the Roman Republic
01:510:306 Roman Empire
01:510:307 The Roman World in Late Antiquity
01:510:308 Ancient Cultural and Intellectual History
01:510:403  Ancient Warfare and Diplomacy
01: 580:325 The History of Livy
01:580:329 Tacitus

4. One ancient history or classics course at the 300 or 400 level focusing on research and writing such as:
01:490: 391 Readings in Greek Prose (historical readings) 01:506:401,402 History Seminar (ancient topic) 
01:506:471,472 Research in History (ancient topic)
01:580: 369,370 The Seminar in Latin (historical readings) college honors or departmental project (appropriate topic)

5. Three additional courses in history, classics, Latin, or Greek (in any combination, but no more than two of them at the 100 level).

For additional information, contact RU-info at 732/932-info (4636) or
Comments and corrections to: Campus Information Services.

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