Fundamentals of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (3)
Theoretical basis for atmospheric and
oceanic fluid
dynamics; derivation of the equations of motion on the sphere;
conservation of
angular momentum, vorticity, and energy; linear wave dynamics;
Atmospheric Physics (3)
The atmospheric physics of gravitation, clouds and aerosols, precipitation, energy and momentum transfer, solar and terrestrial radiation, optics, and acoustics.
Miller. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Air Sampling and Analysis Techniques (3)
Theory and laboratory exercises in ambient and indoor air sampling. Topics range from classical air sampling trains to the use of state-of-art direct-reading instrumentation and
measurements of airborne nanoparticles and airborne biological agents.
Introduction to Radiative Transfer in the Atmosphere and Ocean (3)
Theory and simple models of radiative transfer in the ocean and atmosphere. Current research utilizing these techniques, including modeling clouds, aerosols and climate, and environmental remote sensing.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Modeling of Climatic Change (3)
Climate models, including energy-balance, radiative-convective, and general circulation models. Actual practice running climate models and analyzing output.
Robock. Prerequisites: At least one graduate course in meteorology, oceanography, or physical geography. Knowledge of a high-level programming language, such as FORTRAN or C.
Physical Climatology (3)
The climate system, surface-energy balance, past climate variations, climate-feedback mechanisms, climate modeling, causes of climate change, detection and attribution of anthropogenic climate change.
Mechanisms of Past Climate Change (3)
Mechanisms responsible for changes in climate during Earth's distant past, including orbital forcing of climate change, millennial-scale climate variability, and past changes in tropical atmosphere-ocean interaction.
Broccoli. Prerequisite: Graduate-level coursework in meteorology, oceanography, geology, or physical geography.
(F) Climate Change Risk Analysis (3)
Science, economics, and policy of climate change risks. Extreme events, sea-level rise, agriculture, energy, health, labor, conflict, ecosystem services, tipping points. Decision-making under uncertainty and with long-time horizons.
Kopp, Curchitser
Independent Study in Atmospheric Science (BA,BA)
The student conducts an independent comprehensive literature review and investigation of meteorological areas of interest other than the thesis topic. Regular reports of progress made in conference.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Special Topics in Atmospheric Science (3,3)
Selected topics in atmospheric science. Current literature and recent advances.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Seminar in Atmospheric Science (1,1)
Review of recent advances in atmospheric science.
Prerequisites: 11:670:323, 324, or equivalent.
Research in Atmospheric Science (BA,BA)
Research in atmospheric science.