The following tracks/concentrations are available to Rutgers School of Business-Camden students enrolled in the undergraduate program (bachelor of science or bachelor of arts) unless otherwise noted.
Substitutions for courses may be made but only upon approval of the appropriate area head or of the associate dean for undergraduate programs. All requests must go through your academic adviser (Rutgers School of Business-Camden
Academic Services Office).
Corporate Finance track/concentration: The courses in this track prepare students to make
sound business decisions. This track benefits both entrepreneurs and those seeking an entry-level position in a corporation with the goal of one day attaining the position
of chief financial officer.
52:390:310 Corporate Finance
52:390:315 Investments and Portfolio Management
52:390:330 Short-Term Financial Management
52:390:350 Multinational Finance
52:390:410 M&A Finance
Data Analytics track/concentration:
analytics involves quantitative and qualitative techniques and tools to analyze
and exploit the massive amount of data generated in business. The data
analytics skill set will be valuable in a wide range of businesses and
organizations in government, education, and other sectors.
52:620:321 Optimization and Spreadsheet Modeling
52:620:430 Introduction to Big Data Applications
52:620:432 Text and Social Media Mining
52:623:447 Data Management and Analytics with R
Digital Marketing track/concentration: Students will gain cutting-edge marketing knowledge and skills in social media, search engine marketing, content marketing, digital marketing analytics, and more to develop high-performing integrated marketing plans that deliver on key marketing metrics.
52:630:361 Digital Marketing Fundamentals
52:630:362 Principles of Digital Analytics
52:630:363 Social Media Marketing
52:630:364 Digital Content Creation
Strategic Human Resource Management track/concentration: The courses in this track focus on workplace issues
crucial for performance, including team building, evaluating needs for training
and development, guiding employees' career progression, assessing compensation,
and managing diversity by using evidence-based practices based on the latest
research. Interested students can also use this module to prepare for the
competency-based Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
Certification exam -- the industrywide gold standard in
demonstrating expertise in personnel management.
52:533:360 Career Planning and Career Management
52:533:365 Strategic
Human Resource Management
52:533:461 Compensation and Benefits
52:533:463 Talent Management: Attracting, Developing, and Retaining Employees
Financial Analyst track (open to bachelor of science students only): The track encompasses a large proportion of the knowledge incorporated into the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Program Level 1 Exam, the most respected and recognized investment management designation in the world. Students acquire a comprehensive understanding of equity, debt, and derivative securities and markets. They acquire the quantitative tools needed to analyze investment opportunities, manage portfolios, assess and manage financial risks, and make lending decisions. Likely job titles include financial analyst, financial adviser, relationship manager, portfolio manager, risk manager, and research analyst.
52:390:315 Investments and Portfolio Management
52:390:425 Fixed Income Securities
52:390:435 Derivative Securities
52:390:464 Equity Investments