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Camden Undergraduate
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  Camden Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2025 Undergraduate Education in Camden  

Undergraduate Education in Camden

There are two undergraduate liberal arts colleges and two undergraduate professional schools at Rutgers University-Camden: the Camden College of Arts and Sciences and University College-Camden, and the School of Business-Camden and the School of Nursing-Camden.

The Camden College of Arts and Sciences serves liberal arts students who attend classes on campus, while University College-Camden is primarily for students who already possess an associate's degree and study off campus at our satellite locations. The School of Business-Camden and the School of Nursing-Camden serve students in their respective professional programs with both day and evening courses.

While all the colleges are dedicated to providing the highest-quality education, each college establishes its own admissions and scholastic standing requirements, and each offers specific academic programs designed to serve its students' needs. Students should consult each college section of this catalog both for a general description of the college and for a list of the academic programs offered.

For additional information, contact RU-info at 848-445-info (4636) .
Comments and corrections to: One Stop Student Services Center.

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