Students must complete a minimum of 120 credits to satisfy graduation requirements.
Major Prerequisite Requirements (33-34 credits
These courses are a combination of courses taught
from the Rutgers Camden College of Arts and Sciences (CCAS - school 50) and Rutgers School of Business-Camden
(RSBC - school 52). These courses are the prerequisites for courses in the
business core and major areas of the curriculum and are generally taken within
the first two years of study
50:220:102 Microeconomic Principles (meets LQR Gen Ed requirement)
50:220:103 Macroeconomic Principles
50:640:113/115/18/121 RSBC Quantitative Literacy Requirement
50:960:283 Introduction to Statistics I
50:960:284 Introduction to Statistics II
52:010:101 Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
52:010:202 Fundamentals of Managerial Accounting
52:___:___ Introduction of Business (First Year) Business Elective (Transfer)
52:135:202 Professional Skills Forum 1 (First Year only)
52:135:206 Professional Development Strategies
52:140:101 Business Law I: Legal Environment
52:620:210 Introduction to Data Analysis with Excel
52:623:201 Introduction to Information Technology
General Education Requirements (18 credits)
These are a set of courses covering
a broad array of themes and subjects, designed to give students a well-rounded
education and exposure to the liberal arts disciplines. General education (GE)
themed electives are searchable via the
schedule of classes.
Jersey associate in arts and associate in science (A.A./A.S.) degree holders
are waived of general education requirements if they are eligible for the
New Jersey Statewide Transfer Agreement
Contact the
Rutgers-Camden Office
of New Student Programs
for details.
50:989:101 English Composition
50:989:102 English Composition II
50:___:___ Arts and Aesthetics (AAI)
50:___:___ Heritages and Civilizations (HAC)
50:___:___ Physical and Life Sciences (PLS)
50:___:___ United States in the World (USW)
Business Core Requirements (30 credits)
business core is a sequence of courses taught across various areas in the
business school that forms the intellectual and theoretical foundation upon
which advanced study in specific business areas is built. These courses may be
taken concurrently with major and General Education requirements.
52:135:250 Business Communication (Writing Intensive - WR)
52:630:201 Principles of
52:390:301 Principles of
52:620:301 Corporate Social Responsibility: Ethics and Sustainability
52:620:303 Organizational
52:620:321 Optimization
and Spreadsheet Modeling
52:620:325 Operations
52:623:302 IT
and Project
52:620:450 Strategic Management (Senior Capstone)
Major Requirements (18-24)
Requirements for each major are specific to that subject area.
Typically, there are six required courses for the completion of each
business major (except for accounting major which requires eight courses).
These courses must follow specific prerequisite guidelines and may be completed
with general education and business core requirements.
Required Electives (15-21 credits)