The molecular option is meant to provide a thorough background in the subject areas involved in the computational and integrative biology major, but with a stronger emphasis on chemistry and analysis at the lowest level of biological organization.
Course Requirements:
50:750:131,133 Elements of Physics I and Lab (4)
50:750:132,134 Elements of Physics II and Lab (4)
50:160:115,125 Chemical Principles I and Lab (4)
50:160:116,126 Chemical Principles II and Lab (4)
50:120:101,107 General Biology I and Lab (4)
50:120:102,108 General Biology II and Lab (4)
50:640:121 Unified Calculus I (4)
50:640:122 Unified Calculus II (4)
50:198:111,112 Programming Fundamentals and Software Lab (4)
50:198:113 Object-Oriented Programming (3)
50:160:335,339 Organic Chemistry I and Lab (5)
50:160:336,340 Organic Chemistry II and Lab (5)
50:750:232,238 Elements of Modern Physics and Lab (4)
50:120:305,306 Molecular Biology and Lab (4)
50:115:403,407 General Biochemistry I and Lab (4)
50:115:404,408 General Biochemistry II and Lab (4)
50:750:351,413 Thermal Physics and Quantum Mechanics (8) or 50:160:345-348 Physical Chemistry I, II and Labs (8)
50:750:362 Biophysics (3)
50:640:468 Mathematical Methods for Scientists I (3)
50:640:469 Mathematical Methods for Scientists II (3)
50:121:491 Capstone Course I (2)
50:121:492 Capstone Course II (2)
Courses to Fill Elective (nongeneral education) Requirements:
Any 300- or 400-level courses from biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, or physics