Introduction to Museum Studies (3)
Introduces museum operations and curatorial and education programs.
Comparative analysis of regional museums. Topics include museum mission
statements, organization, and administration; collection theory and ethics;
registration, research, preservation, conservation, and storage of collections;
exhibition development, design, and installation. Topics may change from year
to year. This course can be taken as a general art elective.
Museum Studies II (3)
Directed reading and written interpretation of current and standard literature in
exhibition planning and installation; object preservation and conservation,
interpretation, and registration; visitor orientation and public information;
development and presentation of education materials for K-12 as well as college
classes; grant writing; and marketing techniques. Conducted through
consultation with art history faculty, staff members of the Stedman Gallery,
and regional museums.
Prerequisite: 50:698:205 or permission of instructor.
Individual Study in Museology (3)
Advanced students conduct a program of research under the direction of the instructor. A
substantial paper demonstrating an understanding of museology, the creation of
a museum education program, or the preparation of an exhibition catalog is required.
Prerequisites: 50:698:401, junior or senior standing, and permission of museum studies director and art history professor.
Museum Internship (BA)
An internship at a local museum, gallery, or nonprofit organization in area of student's major.
Requires 40 hours per credit and is monitored by museum studies instructor and art history professor.
Special Topics in Museum Studies (BA)
Investigate a specific topic in museum studies, which changes each time the course is offered.
Prerequisite: 50:698:205 or permission of instructor.