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  Camden Graduate Catalog 2023-2025 Degree Requirements Master's Degrees  

Master's Degrees

Master's degrees at the Graduate School-Camden usually entail a mixture of final project requirements and general credit requirements, ranging from 30 credits at the shortest to 42 credits at the longest. These can vary per program, and prospective/current students are encourage to review the requirements of each program at the Graduate School website for graduate programs:

Some general requirements of the Graduate School-Camden are as follows:

1. A minimum of 30 credits of successful graduate study must be completed (a minimum of 39 credits of successful graduate study must be complete for the M.F.A. degree, and 42 credits of successful graduate study must be completed for the M.P.A. degree).

2. The candidate must successfully complete one of three options of a "final project" or exam to successfully fulfill their degree requirements:

  • Comprehensive exam
  • Capstone
  • Thesis

Master's students are not required to write dissertations. For the capstone or thesis tracks, master's students must follow the guidelines outlined by their programs to ensure completion, and work closely with an advisor who has final sign-off. In general, capstones take fluid form and can resemble a lesson plan, coding project, or more; theses, on the other hand, are often long-form essays, analyses, or creative reflections on content related to the program subject.

3. Two-thirds of the student's degree program in graduate-level coursework must be completed under the jurisdiction of the Graduate School-Camden. This means that, in general, two-thirds of the courses taken by students must be coded as school 56 in reflection of the Graduate School-Camden; students with less than two-thirds of their credits may not be approved for graduation.

Specific to accelerate degree and G-Prefix courses: Courses taken at the undergraduate level as a graduate, or the graduate level as an undergraduate, are taken with a "G-Prefix" to ensure they apply toward the correct degree requirements. For graduate students taking undergraduate courses, they may not have more than two G-Prefix courses apply toward their graduation requirements. For undergraduates in the accelerated degree program taking graduate courses, they may not apply for more than three G-Prefixes -- or one-third of the degree requirements, meaning that, in some cases, they can apply for up to four (such as with the MPA degree, which has a 42-degree credit total).

4. No more than one-third of a student's accumulated credits may consist of "external" coursework to the Graduate School-Camden, which ranges from transfer credit, to transient credit at other Rutgers institutions, to "G-Prefix" credit which refers to credits taken at the undergraduate level or, conversely, at the graduate level as part of the accelerated degree program.

5. The combination of all courses applied toward graduation must have an average GPA of 3.0 or higher. To stay in good academic standing, graduate students must not have more than three C/C+'s or lower. Some departments may have more rigid standards for academic good standing. Students are also required to be in compliance with the requirements of their department.

6. No undergraduate transfer credit will be accepted from any outside college or university.

Additional requirements for specific programs are noted in the Graduate School-Camden chapter.

All programs of study are subject to review by the Graduate Dean of the Graduate School-Camden and to the approval of the candidate's program faculty.

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