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  Camden Graduate Catalog 2023-2025 Degree Requirements Deadlines  


The diploma application must be submitted online at

The Application for Admission to Candidacy for Degree is a paper form and is available at the following address: This application should be signed and approved by the graduate program director and then submitted to the Graduate School-Camden for certification. The October, January, and May graduation dates all have strict deadlines that must be adhered to and can be found at

In general, the diploma application is the most important part of graduation and has the strictest deadline as it informs multiple offices of a student's intent to graduate. Students are encouraged to fill out the diploma application if they even have a slight intention to graduate in the upcoming cycle. These applications can be denied if a student changes their timeline; however, applications cannot be input past the diploma app deadline.

It is the responsibility of the student to complete all requirements for graduation by the scheduled dates listed on the website named above. Each student should consult with the graduate program director of his or her program and with the Graduate School-Camden with respect to the completion of the requirements for graduation. Conferral of degrees and diplomas occurs once a year at the annual spring commencement. However, students who file the applications and complete all other requirements for the degree by the announced October or January dates will have a diploma dated for the respective month. If there is need to prove their graduation status prior to the conferral of degree, then students may request a temporary certificate (letter) of completion by submitting a written request to the Graduate School-Camden.

For additional information, contact RU-info at 848-445-info (4636) .
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