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  Camden Graduate Catalog 2023-2025 Student Life  

Student Life

Showcasing Research

The Graduate School-Camden takes immense pride in showcasing its students' research. This takes several forms: student profiles, as shown on our website, and programming designed specifically to highlight student research & creative activity. Each year, during the Spring semester, the campus hosts "Research Week," including a Graduate School Research & Creative Works Symposium, complete with project presentations, paper competition, and poster exhibition.

Graduate Student Organization (GSO)

The Graduate Student Organization is a central student organization that allows graduate students of all programs to receive funding for student-supported initiatives, events, and programming. This can include everything from hiking trips to catered study sessions. The GSO is a wonderful opportunity for graduate students to network among different graduate programs and also exercise their own leadership skills. Elections take place yearly and allow students to apply their specific vision to graduate student cohesion and collaboration.

Program-Specific Mentorship

Graduate students frequently find that they bond along the lines of their cohorts; established cohorts, in this respect, act as mentors to incoming students and inform them of all the ins-and-outs to their program, life in Camden/South Jersey/Philly, and more. These mentorship opportunities are invaluable and built into the structure of many programs, including the PhD programs. As one example, incoming students into the CCIB master's or PhD program can expect robust mentorship as established students walk them through course offerings, faculty advisors, local goings-on, and more.

Campus Involvement

The Office of Campus Involvement assists individual students, clubs, and organizations with planning educational, social, and cultural programs. Activities, such as lectures, dances, picnics, concerts, movies, and other special events, are an integral part of campus life.

The campus involvement office, located in the Camden Campus Center, is responsible for the recognition of all student organizations. Call 856-225-6161 for information, or visit the website at

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association represents graduate and undergraduate students in Camden and exists as the voice of the student body as well as the distributor of funds for student organizations.

Other Organizations

Many departments and graduate programs have established student groups specific to their cohorts of master's and PhD students. Some of these include: the Childhood Studies Grad Student Association (CSGSA), the English Graduate Student Association (EGSA), the MFA Student Organization (MFA), and the Public Administration Student Association (PASA).
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