HSAP 0515
Data for Health Services Research and Policy (3)
The purpose of this course is twofold. First, the course introduces students to methods for identifying and employing relevant data sources for use in health services research and policy analysis. Second, it provides a comprehensive introduction to data management and hands-on experience using, managing, and producing estimates from such data.
HSAP 0519
Managing Health Care Delivery Organizations (3)
Provides students with descriptive information about the organizations in the United States that deliver health care and some of the methods used in managing them.
HSAP 0545
Cost Effectiveness in Public Health and Medicine (3)
What is the value of implementing a screening program, adopting a new health technology, or instituting a new preventive health program?
How do the costs compare to the benefits? This course will introduce students to the practice
of decision analysis,
including cost-effectiveness analysis, in public health and medicine.
Prerequisites: PHCO 0502 and PHCO 0504.
HSAP 0560
Foundation in Maternal and Child Health (3)
In this course students will gain an understanding of the determinants of the health of
mothers and children, from a macro perspective including public policy, neighborhoods, schools and health facilities, and an individual perspective, including health beliefs and behaviors.
HSAP 0565
Health Politics and Policy (3)
An in-depth analysis of the government institutions and processes that affect health policy in the
American context. The course has two primary goals: (1) to explore how the institutional
arrangements of American government work with respect to the development of
health policy; and (2) to review several health policy case studies and identify
lessons from them. Explores fundamental challenges that face all
health policymakers--whatever country or its level of economic development--and the array of policy instruments that can be deployed to address them. The
readings, lectures, and writing assignments are designed to help students explore the
ways in which choices of policy instruments and their implementation over time
are shaped by the nature of government institutions, drawing on the United States as the
fundamental frame of reference.
HSAP 0590
Readings/Research Topics in Health Care Organization and Administration (1-3)
Prerequisites: Faculty and adviser approval required prior to registration.
HSAP 0614
Health Services and Policy Research Methods (3)
Public health research is increasingly based on the analysis of surveys of households, providers, and analyses of administrative records. This course explores the foundations of such secondary data analysis.
HSAP 0615
Health Care Economics (3)
Students will use principles of microeconomics to examine the special features of the health care market. They will develop analytical skills that are grounded in economic theory and techniques to assess and evaluate health care issues and problems. Class discussions focus on such topics as health insurance, demand for health care, physician payment, national health care reform, cost containment strategies, and more.
Prerequisites: PHCO 0501 and PHCO 0504.
HSAP 0617
Health Services Research and Evaluation (3)
Building on prior exposure to research methods in biostatistics and epidemiology, and issues in health services administration, students are presented with an overview of both quantitative and qualitative research methods used in investigating health services, including health needs assessment and evaluation of health services programs.
Prerequisites: PHCO 0501, PHCO 0502, and PHCO 0504.
HSAP 0619
Public Health Applications in Developing Countries (3)
This course introduces students to basic issues of confronting the public health of marginalized populations in developing countries. It addresses the socioeconomic and political factors, and conditions that place populations at risk for poor health. The course includes a one-week field experience in the Dominican Republic in which students undertake public health projects in extremely poor communities of Haitian sugarcane workers and their families.
Prerequisites: PHCO 0501 and permission of the instructor and faculty adviser.
HSAP 0620
Health Ethics and Law (3)
Legal topics that will be examined include general information on the role of law in public health enforcement and administration; constitutional and legal basis for regulation of public health; public good versus private rights; and, administrative law as a branch of public health law. The course will also illustrate ethical concerns and problems in public health research, practice, and administration using a case method approach.
HSAP 0661
Health Care Policy (3)
This course examines the current
issues in U.S. health care policy with in-depth case examples from New
Jersey policy. Provides an overview of the financing, regulation, and
delivery of health care in the United States, with discussion of current
policy topics including health insurance coverage, quality of care, and
racial/ethnic disparities in care.
Prerequisite: PHCO 0501. Cross-listed with 34:833:580.
HSAP 0663
Issues in Private and Public Health Insurance (3)
Explores issues related to the role of private and public health insurance in the health care sector. The focus is on institutional features of the private and public health insurance systems, the theory underlying the population's demand for private and public health insurance, and potential behavioral responses by persons with such coverage. Students engage in a critical evaluation of the private and public insurance systems with the intent of identifying changes that might improve the efficiency and equity with which these markets pool risks.
HSAP 0665
Public Health Management and Practice (3)
This course is designed to provide public health students with a conceptual framework for both understanding and integrating the dimensions and practice of the evolving field of public health. It addresses historical aspects and events that have impacted the field and emphasizes directed efforts to clarify and strengthen the discipline and functions of public health from a systems approach. It also reinforces the organization and management of mandated community health and related services provided by governmental health agencies.
HSAP 0666
Public Health: Policy and Practice (3)
How policy decisions affect public health practice at federal, state, county, and local levels is the primary focus of the course. Policymakers and professionals engaged in public health practice at various levels will be guest lecturers.
HSAP 0670
Neighborhoods, Health Systems, and Population Health (3)
The health of populations depends on not only the characteristics and health behaviors of
individuals but the social, economic, and physical environments in which they live and the health care systems that provide their medical care. This course will explore the current evidence regarding the role of these factors as determinants of population health and identify emerging issues. The role of public policy in improving the
health of populations will be discussed in the context of empirical research evidence.
HSAP 0671
Topics in Health Systems and Health Care Policy (3)
Selected topics related to the performance and structure of health care systems, and the possible policy responses to address perceived shortcomings in health system performance.
Prerequisite: HSAP 0615.
HSAP 0672
Theories of Development and Global Public Health (3)
Students will be introduced to different theories of development (modernization theory, dependency theory, and world systems theory) and discuss their implications for global public health partnerships in supporting health systems such as the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI); the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria; and the Clinton Global Initiative; women's role in development and health; the growing significance of chronic disease; populations shifts towards greater urbanization; and the challenges of public health practice.
HSAP 0673
Population Health and Public Policy (3)
Surveys selected population health problems and how they are shaped by the social, economic, and residential circumstances of individuals, their political environments, and their health behaviors. Particular emphasis of the course will be to explore public policy initiatives to address the health problems under consideration, and to evaluate their success and unintended consequences.
HSAP 0674
U.S. Mental Health Policy (3)
This survey course on U.S. mental health policy engages multiple disciplines to examine the historical and contemporary landscape of
mental health treatment and policy in the United States. We will begin by building a foundational set of understandings on mental health illness and treatment approaches, psychiatric epidemiology, the financing and delivery of mental health care, and the intended and unintended consequences of mental health policy. We then will apply these foundational concepts to special populations (e.g., people with serious mental illness,
racial and ethnic minorities, children and adolescents, older adults). Although
these special populations are heterogeneous at the individual level, we will engage in population-based analyses of mental health needs and service use, and then consider the historical and contemporary policy responses in light of
these data. The course concludes by
contextualizing our experience in the United States with those of other
countries, and identifying how recent mental health policy reform is
anticipated to impact our health and mental health care delivery systems and
public health, more broadly. We will
provide particular attention to the Mental Health Parity
and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act of 2010.
HSAP 6504
Human Resources Management (3)
This course examines the relationship between employers, employees, and their labor relations organizations in government and the nonprofit sector. It focuses on the leadership and direction of employees and the impact of collective negotiations on critical issues of public policy and civil service organizations.
Cross-listed with 56:834:557. This course is offered through Rutgers Graduate School-Camden.
HSAP 6505
Organizational Behavior (3)
Examines organization behavior--of individuals and groups/teams--and the organization context in which that behavior takes place. Organization theories as well as behavior theories and approaches are discussed, including seminal historical works and more current treatments.
Cross-listed with 56:834:505. This course is offered through Rutgers Graduate School-Camden.
HSAP 6525
Public Management (3)
Contemporary management approaches, techniques, and skills for managing various kinds of public organizations. Decision making, administrative leadership, planning, implementation, evaluation, and ethics are key topics.
Cross-listed with 56:834:525. This course is offered through Rutgers Graduate School-Camden.
HSAP 6540
Colloquium: Public Policy and Administration (3)
Intensive examination of specific areas of public policy concern or of specific trends in public policy analysis. Seminar topics include health administration, transportation, housing policy, productivity, energy policy, judicial management, international management, international financial management, administrative communication, environmental policy, community leadership, and comparative public policy.
Cross-listed with 56:834:601. This course is offered through Rutgers Graduate School-Camden.
HSAP 6558
Leadership and Communication Skills (3)
Examines the strengths and limitations of various leadership theories and provides students with an awareness of personal learning, leadership, influence, and communication styles. Students will develop leadership skills through interpersonal exercises and through course projects involving current managerial and political issues. Communication skills involving writing, speaking, meetings, media relations, and strategic planning are emphasized.
Cross-listed with 56:834:558. This course is offered through Rutgers Graduate School-Camden.
HSAP 6559
Ethics in Government (3)
Basic survey of the ethical values, theories, policies, laws, and institutions shaping government ethics, focused on the role, duties, and
responsibilities of the public administrator.
Cross-listed with 56:834:559. This course is offered through Rutgers Graduate School-Camden.
HSAP 9523
Law and Legal (3)
correlates of health and illness in the United States; major social
roles and organizational structures concerned with health and medical
Cross-listed with 16:920:523. This course is offered through Rutgers Graduate School-New Brunswick.
HSAP 9585
Organizational Behavior (3)
Cross-listed with 34:833:585. This course is offered through the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy.
HSAP 9594
Program Evaluation (3)
Examines the procedures and techniques that can be used to scientifically
document the implications of professional interventions. Conceptual, measurement,
and analytic tools including activities and objectives, monitoring and measurement, design of monitoring and social experiments, and impact analysis are also covered.
Cross-listed with 34:970:594. This course is offered through the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy.
HSAP 9595
Economics of Poverty (3)
This course uses economic tools and analysis to examine the causes and consequences
of poverty, how poverty is defined, and the impact/effectiveness of government policy.
Cross-listed with 34:833:595. This course is offered through the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy.