DNPH 0611
Public Policy and Oral Health Service Administration (3)
The goal of the course will be to develop strategies for the development of public policies and oral health services administration. The dental public health competencies are to perform program planning and resource allocation for oral health programs, and advocate the implementation and evaluation of public health policy, legislation, and regulations to protect and promote the public oral health. Techniques will be developed to understand the relationships between public health policymakers and the dental profession in providing comprehensive oral health care. Emphasis on strategic and tactical planning strategies for public health policy.
DNPH 0612
Advanced Informatics and Dental Public Health (3)
The goal of the course is to prepare students to
use computer technology. It is used for
research, documentation, and the dissemination of information in public health
for publications, teaching, or administration of health programs. The dental
public health competency is the critical analysis and synthesis of the scientific
literature. Current issues in public
health policy or research will be presented in a seminar format. Students will be introduced to the use of
computer applications for exploring these issues in depth with online resources
in the computer laboratory. Students
will prepare policy statements, memoranda, and educational presentations related
to the issues and submit them to the seminar for review and discussion.
DNPH 0613
Cariology (3)
The goal of the course is to
describe the etiology and distribution of dental caries. The epidemiological approaches to
dental caries are prevalence and incidence, risk assessment, causality,
diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and prognosis. The dental public health competencies will critically analyze and
synthesize the scientific literature and design and utilize a surveillance system to monitor oral health diseases. These components include problem statements, literature review, sampling, data
collection, study designs, statistical analysis, results, discussion, and
references. The course is needed to
apply fundamental principles of epidemiology to dental caries. There are unique characteristics of chronic
and acute oral diseases that require an adjustment in the application of
epidemiological concepts. These
approaches will enhance the competency and proficiency of oral epidemiological
DNPH 0614
Oral Health Policy and Aging (3)
The goal of the course is to analyze the relationship between oral health policies and the magnitude of oral and systematic
diseases among the aging populations. The dental public health competencies are to develop resources and implement and manage resource allocations for oral health programs with aging populations. Techniques will be developed to understand public health policymakers' relationships with public and private health insurance programs and dental care providers. The course will describe the clinical and demographic features of an aging population, attitudes,
values and health, beliefs, antecedents, risk factors, and effect modifiers associated with aging and service-related factors.
DNPH 0615
Community-Based Research in Dental Public Health (3)
The goal of the course is to determine a cause-and-effect relationship between proposed interventions and both the outcome theory and impact theory. The dental
public health competencies are to design and conduct population-based studies
to answer oral and public health questions and critically analyze and
synthesize the scientific literature. Techniques will be developed to understand the impact of process theory and effect theory as it relates to oral health programs. Includes study hypothesis, problem statement, literature review, sampling, study design, data collection, statistical analysis, results, discussion, conclusion, and bibliography.
DNPH 0616
Oral Health Promotion and Preventive Dentistry (3)
The goal of the course is to determine a cause-and-effect relationship between proposed interventions and both the outcome theory and impact theory. The dental
public health competencies are to design and conduct population-based studies
to answer oral and public health questions and critically analyze and synthesize the scientific literature. Techniques will be developed to understand the impact of process theory and effect theory as they relate to oral health programs. Includes study hypothesis, problem statement, literature review, sampling, study design, data collection, statistical analysis, results, discussion, conclusion, and bibliography.
DNPH 0617
Program Planning and Resource Allocation (3)
The goal of the course will be to develop strategies for the treatment and prevention of oral diseases with program planning and resource allocation. The dental public health competencies are to develop resources,
implement and manage oral health programs for populations, and evaluate and
monitor dental care delivery systems. Techniques will be developed to increase the understanding of the impact of process theory on the evaluation of effect theory of a public health program. The course will describe techniques in the development of dental programs in terms of their public
health policy, evidence-based interventions, strategies for implementation and evaluation, problem statements, community needs assessment, prioritization, implementation, process theory and effect, and impact and outcome evaluations.
DNPH 0625
Design of Quasi-Experimental and Experimental Studies (3)
The goal of the course is to develop strategies to accurately assess observations from exposure of independent variables and precisely estimate the cumulative effect size of the outcome of dependent variables as well as quasi-experimental and experimental studies. Course
modules include public health policy, systematic
review of the literature, sampling, study design, data collection, and statistical
analysis. Topics include problem statement, research question, qualitative and quantitative systematic reviews, sampling errors, quasi-experimental and experimental study
designs, threats to design validity. Additional topics will identify rater and instrument
reliabilities; kappa chance coefficient; univariate, bivariate, and multivariable
analysis; statistical significance; results; discussion; conclusions; and references. Emphasis on threats to
the internal validity of quasi-experimental and experimental study designs. Data management emphasizes planning, implementation, and analysis.
DNPH 0629
Oral Epidemiology of Chronic and Infectious Diseases (3)
The goal of the course will be to apply basic epidemiological concepts to oral diseases in terms of their prevalence, causality, risk, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and research issues. The competencies for the course
are to design and understand the use of surveillance systems to monitor oral health and critically analyze and synthesize the scientific literature and to apply clinical decision analysis for the diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and prognosis of oral diseases. The course will perform the critical evaluation of the scientific literature. Components of the critical analysis include a
problem statement, literature review, sampling, data collection, study designs, statistical analysis, results, discussion, and references. The course is needed to apply fundamental
principles of epidemiology to oral diseases. There are unique characteristics of chronic and acute oral diseases that require an adjustment in the application of epidemiological concepts. These approaches will enhance the competency
and proficiency of effect size calculations.
DNPH 0690
Research Methods of Oral Epidemiology (3)
The goal of the course is to develop techniques to establish a cause-and-effect relationship from exposure of an independent variable. The course competency is the critical analysis and synthesize of the scientific literature. The epidemiological approaches to dental caries are prevalence and incidence, risk assessment, causality, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and prognosis. The course will develop techniques in identifying threats to study designs in terms of statistical conclusion validity, internal validity, cause-and-effect validity, and external validity. Designed for entry-level graduate students interested in the clinical research of oral diseases. A seminar format permits the identification of clinical problems and research questions. Develops strategies for the design and implementation of population-based studies to answer oral health questions. Basic concepts in research methods explore hypothesis testing, sampling techniques, study design, data collection, statistical analysis, and the critical evaluation of the scientific literature.
Holtzman, Caine
DNPH 0694
Research Methods in Public Policy and Health Services Administration (3)
The goal of the course will be to determine the cause-and-effect relationship between the intervention applied to the target population to produce a dependent variable. The dental public health competencies are to plan the development of program planning for oral health programs and advocate the implementation and evaluation of public health policy, legislation, and regulation to protect and promote the public oral health. Additional competencies are to evaluate and
monitor dental care delivery systems and to critically analyze and synthesize the scientific literature. The components of the research methodology are the triggering events, health care
planning, community needs assessment, program theory, implementation, evaluation, sampling, study design, data collection, and statistical analysis. The program interventions will determine the effectiveness of program theory and effect theory.