Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School–Newark
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Graduate Study at the University
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Degree Requirements
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Course Information
American Studies 050
Behavioral and Neural Sciences 112
Biology 120
Business and Science 137
Chemistry 160
Creative Writing 200
Criminal Justice 202
Economics 220
English 350 (Includes American Literature 352)
Environmental Science 375
Environmental Geology 380
Global Affairs 478
History 510
Jazz History and Research 561
Liberal Studies 606
Management 620
Mathematical Sciences 645
Nursing 705
Faculty Research Interests
Doctor of Philosophy
Graduate Courses
Peace and Conflict Studies 735
Physics, Applied 755
Political Science 790
Psychology 830
Public Administration 834
Urban Environmental Analysis and Management
Urban Systems 977 (Joint Ph.D. with NJIT)
Women's and Gender Studies 988
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School–Newark 2015–2017 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Nursing 705 Graduate Courses  

Graduate Courses

26:705:650 Independent Study (1-3) In-depth study of a selected area of interest. Requires student to submit a detailed outline describing topical objectives, strategies for achieving objectives, and evaluation criteria for approval prior to registration.
Written permission and agreement required from faculty adviser, participating faculty member, and associate dean for Ph.D. program.
26:705:676 Measurement of Health Care Phenomena (3) Provides an overview of the links between theory and measurement, data collection methods, and critical issues in measurement. A combination of theory, methods, and skill development will be incorporated into the course. Teaching-learning methods include lecture, discussion, computer lab data assessment using SPSS, and selected homework assignments. The assigned select readings will be used as the focus for class discussion. The critical evaluation of the concepts underlying measurement reliability and validity and the construction of measurement tools and their use in quantitative research are explored. Formerly Contemporary Dimensions of Research in Nursing. Prerequisites: 26:705:682, 683, 685.
26:705:677 Qualitative Research Methods (3) Principles and modes of qualitative research design in which knowledge is generated for understanding human beings and the nature of their past and present transactions with themselves and their environment. Students will critically analyze the elements of systematic qualitative inquiry for gathering and interpreting data relevant to specified questions about human behaviors and its influence, knowledge generation, theory development, research, and the evolving discipline of nursing. Formerly Theory Development and Research in Nursing I. Pre- or corequisite: 26:705:682.
26:705:678 Theory and Application to Nursing Research (3) Focuses on the relationship of theory to nursing research with an emphasis on explanatory and predictive theory development, analysis, evaluation, and testing. Students are guided to consider how the nature of the research problem and theory guides the choice of research method. Emphasis is also placed on the identification, review, analysis, and integration of key theory concepts and relationships in the student's own planned research. Formerly Theory Development and Research in Nursing II. Pre- or corequisite: 26:705:682.
26:705:679 Evidenced-Based Policy Development (3) Focuses on leveraging nursing research in the development of evidence-based health policy in the private and public policy arenas. Theoretical bases and strategies for evidence-based health policy development will be analyzed. Leadership skills in the areas of influencing evidence-based policy, garnering grassroots support, and developing a policy message for the media and policymakers will be developed. Examples of translation of NIH-funded research into health policy decisions at the professional, organizational, state, federal, and international levels will be critiqued, and students will analyze the implications of their proposed research on policy development. Formerly Contemporary Issues in Nursing.
26:705:680 Special Topics (3) Topics include substantive knowledge in the areas of faculty research. Topics change each semester that the course is offered.
26:705:681 Quantitative Methods in Nursing Research (3) Covers the definition, utilization, and critique of the rigor for nonexperimental and experimental quantitative research designs, study development, and analysis of quantitative data for research in nursing and patient care. Students link theory with operational techniques in the design, methodology, and measurement of their phenomena of interest. The course provides strategies and application for power analysis, sampling, measurement, and the logic of causal inference. It will introduce students to some additional multivariate methods such as reliability analysis, correlation, latent class analysis including factor analysis and structural equation modeling with applications to substantive research questions. Prerequisites: 26:705:677, 678, 682, 683.
26:705:682 Philosophy of Nursing Science and Knowledge Development (3) Focuses on the historical and contemporary philosophical bases of nursing science through critically analyzing the viewpoints of natural science, integrative science, human science, and ethics that underpin nursing knowledge, theory, and research. Students will synthesize the philosophical positions of phenomena relevant to nursing research to further develop nursing knowledge. Incorporates aspects of former Evolution of Nursing Knowledge course. Prerequisites: Completion of master's-level courses in nursing theory and nursing research.
26:705:683 Statistics for Nursing Research I (3) Introduces the basics of statistics used in nursing/clinical research to summarize numeric data obtained from primary data collection, surveys, and experiments. The topics include frequency distribution, central tendency, variability, probability theory, and estimation. Students will also learn how to test hypotheses for group differences in means (z test, t test, ANOVA, post-hocs) and for association between two variables (correlation, crosstabs, chi-square test). Students will also learn nonparametric tests for group mean differences. Prerequisite: Basic statistics course.
26:705:684 Advanced Qualitative Research (3) Provides critical analysis of the many types of qualitative research methods, emphasizing methodological assumptions and approaches for the purpose of application to research questions. Students will focus on the practical aspects of design, entre'e, ethics, data-gathering techniques (interviewing, observing), data recording, data management, and data analysis. During this course, students will conduct a small pilot study related to their phenomenon of interest and critique their data collection and data analysis processes. Prerequisites: 26:705:677, 682.
26:705:685 Statistics for Nursing Research II (3) Builds upon the basics of statistics used in nursing/clinical research taught in Statistics for Nursing Research I. Topics include multiple regression (simultaneous and stepwise/hierarchical), two-way repeated measures mixed analysis of variance, ANCOVA, curve estimation/transformations, logistic regression (binary and multinomial), and path analysis (continuous and dichotomous variables). Prerequisite: 26:705:683.
26:705:686 Advanced Quantitative Analytic Methods for Nursing Research (3) This is a course in advanced quantitative analytical methods. Students taking the course have already had introductory coursework in research methods, measurement theory, basic statistics, and probability, the linear model as applied through multiple regression, and analysis of variance. The readings and class time are distributed between survey research and revisiting ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. The survey research component includes measure evaluation and questionnaire construction and administration, sample planning/design, and dealing with missing values. Advanced statistical methods include methods focused on research questions, study design, data collection procedures, and analyses related to longitudinal studies and intervention research. Content is focused on methodological techniques and issues pertinent to investigations of change over time including growth curve modeling, repeated measures ANOVA, survival analysis, and nonlinear regression models. Prerequisites: 45:705:607 or 26:705:570, and 26:705:681, 685.
26:705:687 Role of the Nurse Scholar (3) Addresses the responsibilities and activities of a scientist in the health professions including: ethical issues; scientific freedom and social responsibility; mentoring; interdisciplinary research and team science; conduct of culturally competent scholarship; peer review; building a systematic program of research; research funding and grant writing; scholarly writing; presentations; and publications. Prerequisites: 26:705:677, 678, 679, 681, 682.
26:705:688 Practicum in the Professoriate Role (3) This course is required of Ph.D. students preparing for the professorial role. It focuses on university teaching and the products of scholarship expected of faculty who intend a career in a research-oriented university. The course is individualized to the needs of each student.
26:705:689 Research Practicum (3) The purpose of this experience is to allow the student to participate in phases of the research process under the tutelage of an experienced mentor. This experience precedes the student's independent dissertation research. The student works closely with a mentor who is a doctorally prepared faculty member (or nonfaculty researcher with comparable credentials--e.g., NIH Intramural Researcher) who is conducting a program of research related substantively and/or methodologically to the student's anticipated dissertation topic. The student may work with his or her adviser or another faculty member in the School of Nursing; or the student may carry out the research experience in another setting in which state-of-the-science research is being conducted. In this experience, the student is expected to participate actively as a member of the research team and to produce a tangible scholarly product. Specific activities and products are planned under the guidance of the adviser in collaboration with the mentor, and depend on the nature and stage of the research project. Prerequisites: 26:705:677, 683, 685. Departmental permission required.
26:705:701 Dissertation Seminar (3) Provides students with an opportunity for dialogue with peers regarding their progress on the dissertation proposal. The focus of the course is student presentations of their dissertation plan and work-in­-progress with group feedback to strengthen the dissertation proposal. Combines former Dissertation Seminars I and II. Prequisites: 45:705:607 (or 26:705:570) and 26:705:676, 677, 678, 679, 681, 682, 683, 685, 687, 689, and 684 or 686.
26:705:703 Dissertation Research (15) Students develop and complete dissertation research under the supervision of a designated member of the nursing graduate faculty. Prerequisite: 26:705:701.
26:705:800 Matriculation Continued (E1) Required for students not registering for classes during a regular semester (spring and/or fall). Failure to maintain matriculation can result in forfeiture of student status and may require review of student's academic record for readmittance to the nursing Ph.D. program. Special permission required.
45:705:607 Management of Health Data (3) Students use and manage a variety of quantitative databases to assess health needs of populations, solve practice problems, evaluate health outcomes, and test hypotheses/ researchable questions using descriptive and inferential statistics. Content includes assumptions underlying varying methods, interpretation, and statistical tests using spreadsheets and a statistical software package. Basic concepts for creating and editing computer files and computer methods are learned with emphasis on application.

Cognates (3)

Nursing Ph.D. students are required to take three cognate courses: one must be a theory course specific to a School of Nursing Research Center and at least two cognates must be taken outside the School of Nursing.

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