Courses numbered in the 500s and 600s are offerings of the graduate faculty for graduate students in advanced-degree programs. Undergraduate or nonmatriculated graduate students and students from the university's professional schools are admitted to these courses according to rules explained elsewhere. Students can obtain information about special prerequisites for some courses from graduate program offices and from instructors at initial class meetings. Courses numbered in the 700s ordinarily are intended for students preparing individual research theses for advanced degrees.
Advanced undergraduate courses (numbered in the 300s and 400s) are offered in several colleges of the university. These courses do not appear in this catalog, but many of them may serve as useful prerequisites to particular graduate courses. Under certain conditions, some of these undergraduate courses may be accepted for credit toward graduate degrees.
Within the limits described in the Degree Requirements and Academic Policies and Procedures chapters of this catalog, a student in the Graduate School–Newark may register for an undergraduate course with the approval of his or her graduate director. Students seeking information about undergraduate course offerings should look in the appropriate undergraduate catalogs and separate class schedules.