Microeconomic Theory (3,3)
Consumer theory, theory of the firm, markets, and price determination.
Macroeconomic Theory (3,3)
Theories of the long-run and short-run determination of national income and product; employment and interest; business cycle fluctuations and growth; economic policy.
Economics of Immigration and Gender (3)
and empirics of the causes and impacts of immigration, including the
study of labor markets and immigrant networks. The economics of gender
in United States and internationally, including economics of marriage and family,
and female labor participation and wages.
Statistical Analysis (3)
Probability theory, distribution theory, estimation, and tests of hypotheses. Correlation and regression techniques. The general regression model and the analysis of variance.
Econometrics I (3)
Econometric methods and applications. The classical linear regression model with analysis of underlying assumptions and the consequences of their violations. Applications to single and simultaneous equation models.
Econometrics II (3)
Theory and applications of single and simultaneous equations. Possible consideration of model building, specification error analysis, maximum likelihood, models of qualitative choice, time-series analysis, and forecasting.
Economic Fluctuations and Growth (3,3)
Characteristics, features, and causes of economic fluctuations. Theories of the business cycle. Policies for dealing with the problems of contraction and inflation. Current issues and problems of maintaining economic growth.
History of Economic Thought (3)
Evolution of economic doctrines from the mercantilists up to the neoclassicists. Contributions of Smith, Ricardo, Malthus, Mill, Marx, and their critics.
Monetary Theory and Policy (3,3)
Definition of the supply of money; the quantity theory of money, liquidity, preference, and asset approaches to the demand for money. Federal Reserve System, monetary policy, and balance of payments problems.
Economics of the Public Sector (3,3)
Theories of public expenditures and taxation. Criteria for public investment. Cost-benefit analysis. Optimal tax policies and full employment, stability, and growth.
International Trade (3)
The real theory of international trade. Topics include the classical theory of trade, comparative advantage, the Ricardo and Heckscher-Ohlin models, gains from trade, trade and factor prices, trade and income distribution, trade and economic growth, the theory of protection, tariffs, and custom unions.
International Finance (3)
Extends and applies the fundamentals of macro theory and policy to the open economy. Topics include exchange rates and the balance of payments, the theory of macroeconomic policy in the open economy, the monetary approach to the balance of payments, and the economics of flexible exchange rates.
Economics of Human Resources (3)
Theoretical and empirical work on the supply of labor, in particular those aspects relating to investment in human capital. Hours of work and labor force participation, labor mobility and wage differentials, investment in human capital and the personal income distribution, unemployment, and inflation.
Industrial Organization (3)
Theories of the firm and market behavior; empirical examination of structure-performance relationships; application to current policy problems with emphasis on antitrust. Topics include competition, monopoly, and social welfare; measurement of market power; policy treatment of monopoly, collusion, mergers, price discrimination, and vertical restrictions. Possible additional topics include profitability, advertising, technological change, entry and exit, and the relationship to market structure.
Labor Economics (3,3)
Theoretical analysis of the supply of and demand for labor; trends in labor force participation; study of wage determination, theories of unemployment and education and training; role of labor unions and collective bargaining; analysis of government policies in the labor market.
Financial Economics (3)
Economic theory underlying the analysis of financial decisions and models of decision making with uncertainty developed, with applications to consumers' investment decisions and firms' capital expenditures decisions.
Health Economics (3)
Economic analysis of the U.S. health care system; theories of consumer demand for health and medical care; theories of physician behavior and hospital administration; issues in health policy such as national health insurance, HMOs; medical cost inflation; and public health programs.
Development Economics (3)
Economic analysis of households and firms in developing countries; theories of economic growth, institutional economics, and market failure; econometric evaluation of development programs; and economics of foreign aid.
Mathematical Economics (3)
Functions, differentiation, and integration and their applications to economic analysis, especially to consumer theory, the theory of the firm, and market equilibrium.
Urban Economics (3)
Role of cities in the growth of regions; theories of urban growth; models of urban land use; poverty, housing, crime, and transportation; local government tax and expenditure policy.
Individual Study in Economics and Quantitative Analysis (3,3)
Individual study for students with a research project in any area of economics.
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and director of the graduate program.
Special Topics in Applied Economics (3)
Seminar in Applied Economics (1)
Papers by faculty and visiting scholars on topics of current importance in economics.
Prerequisites: 26:220:501 or 26:223:552 Microeconomic Theory and 26:220:503 or 26:223:553 Macroeconomic Theory.
Research in Economics (3,3)
Matriculation Continued (E1)