Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
About the University
Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick
Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts Students
School of Arts and Sciences
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
History and Aims
Academic Policies and Procedures
Degree Requirements
Programs of Study
Agricultural Science 017
Animal Science 067
Atmospheric Sciences (see Meteorology)
Biochemistry 115
Bioenvironmental Engineering 117
Biological Sciences 119
Biotechnology 126
Botany (see Plant Science)
Chemistry 160
Communication 192
Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources 704
Entomology (minor only)
Environmental and Business Economics 373
Environmental Planning and Design 573
Environmental Policy, Institutions, and Behavior 374
Graduation Requirements for the Major
Environmental Sciences 375
Exercise Science and Sport Studies 377
Food Science 400
Genetics 447
Geography 450
Geological Sciences 460
Independent Major 554
Journalism and Media Studies 567
Marine Sciences 628
Meteorology 670
Microbiology 680
Nutritional Sciences 709
Plant Science 776
Public Health 832
Minors and Certificate Programs
Student to Professional Internship Network (SPIN)
Military Education
Honors Programs
Study Abroad Programs
Office of Special Programs
Preprofessional Programs
Combined Degree Programs
Course Listing
Administration, Centers, and Faculty
Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
School of Communication and Information
School of Engineering
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
School of Management and Labor Relations
General Information
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2009-2011 School of Environmental and Biological Sciences Programs of Study Environmental Policy, Institutions, and Behavior 374  

Environmental Policy, Institutions, and Behavior 374

Degree: B.S.

Director: Caron Chess (

Phone (Ext.)
Caron Chess
COB 205
2-9153 (318)
George F. Clark
COB 209
2-9153 (311)
Peter J. Guarnaccia
COB 202
2-9153 (312)
William K. Hallman
COB 215
2-9153 (313)
David Hughes
COB 204
2-9153 (361)
Bonnie J. McCay
COB 210
2-9153 (314)
George E.B. Morren
COB 208
2-9153 (315)
Karen O'Neill
COB 213
2-9153 (316)
Andrew Pleasant (PD) COB 207 2-9153 (320)
Thomas K. Rubel
COB 214
2-9153 (317)
Rachael Shwom
COB 212
2-9153 (416)

The program in environmental policy, institutions, and behavior is concerned with the human dimensions of environmental problems. The major explores how human actions affect the environment, how societies adapt to changes in natural resource availability, and how different sectors respond to environmental hazards. Courses in the program deal with local, national, and international differences in the use of resources; with social and environmental aspects of health and illness; with alternative strategies for environmental management; with the ethical, moral, and legal dimensions of environmental and resources issues; and with the roles of governmental and nongovernmental agencies in environmental affairs.


To understand these topics, students are exposed to a multidisciplinary view of the environment and draw upon concepts from a variety of fields, including anthropology, ecology, economics, geography, history, sociology, political science, and psychology. Students learn techniques of empirical research, gain experience in real-world situations, and acquire practical skills such as professional writing and data analysis. Majors broaden their knowledge of environmental problems and how people cope with them


Graduates are prepared for careers in health and environmental agencies at all levels of government, nonprofit organizations in the United States and internationally, and private companies, including environmental consulting firms, pharmaceutical companies, and żgreenż businesses. Some students also pursue graduate or professional studies in the social sciences, public health and medicine, public administration, law, and international development.


The curriculum offers five options:   


United States Environmental and Resource Policy. This option encompasses the political, scientific, institutional, and economic dimensions of environmental and resource policy development in the United States. Students are prepared for careers in government, industry, or nonprofit organizations, as well as for graduate or professional studies in political science, law, and public administration.


International Environmental and Resource Policy. This option focuses on the political, scientific, and economic dimensions of global environmental and resource issues. Particular attention is given to the role of international institutions. Students are prepared for careers in government, industry, or nonprofit organizations, as well as for graduate or professional studies in political science, law, and international development.


Health and Environmental Policy. This option focuses on the links between the environment and health. Students learn to understand health and nutrition as both biological phenomena and products of social, behavioral, and cultural influences. Students are prepared for further training in the health professions, as well as for graduate studies in the social sciences or public health.


Environmental and Health Communication. This option focuses on the communication aspects of environmental and health issues, specifically on practical tools for social change and public participation in science and policymaking processes. Students are prepared for careers such as public information, community relations, and health education in government, nonprofit, or industry settings. Students are also prepared for graduate studies in fields such as communication, public health, public administration, and law.


Individual Option. This option is for students who wish to develop their own specialized program. Their programs must focus on a particular topic, area of application, or body of knowledge concerned with environmental policy, environmental health, institutions, or behavior. Students must identify, in writing and with the aid of a faculty adviser, the specific intellectual and vocational goals of the individualized program.

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