Degree: B.S.
Director: Peter F. Strom (
Phone (Ext.)
Donna F. Fennell
ENR 231
2-9800 (6204)
Daniel Gimenez
ENR 248
2-9800 (6205)
Uta Krogmann
ENR 246
2-9800 (6207)
Jerome J. Kukor
Martin 216
2-3000 (517)
Gediminas Mainelis
ENR 234
2-9800 (6208)
John Reinfelder
ENR 260
2-9800 (6211)
Lisa Rodenburg
ENR 348
2-9800 (6218)
Peter F. Strom
ENR 228
2-9800 (6216)
Robert L. Tate III
ENR 252A
2-9800 (6100)
Barbara J. Turpin
ENR 234
2-9800 (6219)
Christopher Uchrin
ENR 262
2-9800 (6220)
Lily Y. Young
Foran 312
2-8165 (312)
The environmental sciences program is designed to provide students with an understanding of the application of the biological, chemical, and physical sciences to problems in the environment. Options emphasize the chemical, physical, or biological aspects, and electives allow specialization in the study of air, water, or soils, as well as pollution and treatment sciences, and environmental or occupational health studies.
With the consultation of a faculty adviser, students can design a program to meet requirements for graduate study or provide the basis for a professional career in government, education, consulting, or industry.
Students can meet the requirements for the New Jersey License Examination for Sanitarians by including the following courses in their program:
11:375:301 Environment and Health (3)
11:375:406 Public Health Practice and Administration (3)
11:375:409 Environmental Statement and Impact (3)
11:375:455,456 Internship in Environmental Health (2,2)
11:375:421 Air Pollution (3)
11:375:430 Hazardous Wastes (3)
Environmental science majors may also complete a joint degree leading to a B.S. in environmental science and a master's degree in public health (M.P.H.). To apply for admission to the master's program, students must have junior status in the environmental science program (64 credits) and a minimum grade-point average of 3.0. Fifteen of the 45 credits required for the M.P.H. may be applied to the 128 credits required for the B.S. in environmental science. Students interested in this opportunity should discuss specific course requirements with Dr. Peter Strom, undergraduate program director for environmental science ( or the chair of the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health at the University of Medicine and Dentistry.