To enable students in the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy to take
advantage of the residence halls and commuter programs, dining halls,
health centers, and other student service facilities in the New
Brunswick/Piscataway area, each pharmacy student is affiliated with one
of three residential colleges: Douglass College, Livingston College, or
Rutgers College. Applicants to the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy must
state a preference regarding affiliation at the time they enroll.
Before selecting one of these residential colleges for affiliation,
applicants should read the sections in this catalog describing resident
and commuter lifestyles at each.
The choice of a college of
affiliation does not affect the pharmacy student's admission, program
of study, or academic standing, since pharmacy students remain under
the academic jurisdiction of the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
throughout their six-year program. All matters pertaining to student
life should be referred to the Office of the Dean of Students at the
respective college of affiliation.