L.B. Brattsten: Blake Hall, Room 114, 932-9774 (
Prerequisites: 01:119:101-102 General Biology (4,4)
Required courses (7-8)
11:370:350 Agricultural Entomology and Pest Manage-ment (3) or 11:370:381 Insect Biology (4)
11:370:409 Insect Classification (4)
Electives (12-18)
Any of the following courses for which prerequisites are fulfilled or instructor`s permission is granted:
11:370:308 Apiculture (3)
11:370:350 Agricultural Entomology and Pest Management (3)
11:370:352 Toxicology of Pesticides (3)
11:370:402 Aquatic Entomology (4)
11:370:403-404 Insect Structure and Function (3,3)
11:370:406 Medical and Veterinary Entomology (3)
11:370:493,494 Research Problems in Entomology (1-4,1-4)
Note: In special circumstances, with prior permission of the
department, 11:370:202 The World of Insects (3) may be substituted for
11:370:350 or 11:370:381. Juniors and seniors may, with the permission
of the instructor and the graduate dean, register for appropriate
graduate courses in entomology for elective credits.
intending to minor in entomology are urged to contact the department as
early in their program as possible, and no later than the middle of
their junior year.