Peter E. Smouse, Waller 001, 932-1124 (
Required courses (10-13)
11:704:330 General Ecology (3) or 11:704:351 Principles of Applied Ecology (4)
11:704:331 General Ecology Laboratory (1) or 11:704: 461 Field
Ecology (2) or 11:704:475 Winter Field Ecology (1)
11:704:335 Limnology (4) or 11:704:450 Landscape Ecology (3)
or 11:704:451 Ecosystems Ecology and Global Change (3)
11:704:486 Principles of Evolution (3) or 01:070: 350 Primatology and Human Evolution (3)
Electives (9-12)
Three of the following courses:
11:126:491 Microbial Ecology and Diversity (4)
11:370:381 Insect Biology (4)
11:370:402 Aquatic Entomology (3)
11:628:321 Ichthyology (4)
11:628:404 Fungi and Ecosystems (3)
11:704:240 Behavioral Biology (4)
11:704:272 Dendrology (4)
11:704:317 Conservation Ecology (3)
11:704:323 Ornithology (4)
11:704:324 Invertebrate Zoology (4)
11:704:325 Vertebrate Zoology (4)
11:704:332 Plant Ecology (4)
11:704:335 Limnology (4)
11:704:403 Urban Forestry (3)
11:704:411 Taxonomy of Vascular Plants (4)
11:704:421 Wetland Ecology (3)
11:704:443 Animal Social Behavior (3)
11:704:456 Forest Ecology and Silvics (3)
11:704:464 Wildlife Ecology and Management (3)
11:770:402 Mycology: Fungi in the Environment (3)
11:776:210 Principles of Botany (4 )