Degree Programs Offered: Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy
Director of Graduate Program: Professor John Wilkin, Marine Sciences Building, George H. Cook Campus (732-932-6555, ext. 251)
Associate Director: Professor Robert Chant, Marine Sciences Building, George H. Cook Campus (732-932-6555, ext. 544)
Members of the Graduate Faculty
Kenneth W. Able, Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., William and Mary
Ecology and behavior of fishes
Gail M. Ashley, Professor of Geological Sciences, SAS; Ph.D., British Columbia (Canada)
Sedimentology; geomorphology; environmental ecology; modern processes
D. Bidle, Associate Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences,
SEBS; Ph.D., California (San Diego)/Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Molecular evolution and ecology; marine microbial ecology; biogeochemistry
Anthony Broccoli, Professor of Environmental Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Rutgers
Climate modeling; climate change
David Bushek, Associate Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Rutgers
Shellfish ecology; aquaculture and host-parasite interactions
Robert J. Chant, Associate Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., SUNY (Stony Brook)
Observations and numerical modeling of estuarine and coastal processes
Paul G. Falkowski, Professor of Geological Sciences and Marine and Coastal Sciences, SAS; Ph.D., British Columbia (Canada)
Biogeochemical cycles; evolution; astrobiology
Heidi Fuchs, Assistant Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Biophysical interactions; larval dispersal; plankton community ecology
M. Glenn, Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Sc.D.,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Woods Hole Oceanographic
Physical oceanography; satellite remote sensing
Maxim Gorbunov, Associate Research Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Moscow State
Biophysics; photosynthesis; coral reefs; phytoplankton physiology; ocean optics; scientific intrumentation
J. Frederick Grassle, Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Duke
Marine ecology; oceanography
Judith P. Grassle, Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Duke
Marine benthic ecology
Ximing Guo, Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Washington (Seattle)
Research in cytogenetics; genetic manipulation; genomic mapping in molluscan aquaculture species
Dale B. Haidvogel, Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D.,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Physical oceanography; numerical ocean circulation modeling
Olaf P. Jensen, Assistant Professor of Marine and Coastal
Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)
Fisheries science; population dynamics; ecology of aquatic ecosystems
J. Kerkhof, Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS;
Ph.D., California (San Diego)/Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Marine microbiology-molecular biology; microbial population dynamicsJoshua Kohut, Assistant Professor of Marine and Coastal
Sciences, Ph.D., Rutgers
Coastal ocean dynamics; observing systems
Richard A. Lutz, Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Maine
Marine ecology and paleoecology; shellfish ecology; biology of deep-sea hydrothermal vents
George R. McGhee, Professor of Geological Sciences, SAS; Ph.D., Rochester
Marine paleoecology; evolutionary theory; mass extinction
R. Miller, Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D.,
Air-sea interactions; remote sensing; climate modeling; earth
system science
Kenneth G. Miller Sr., Professor of Geological
Sciences, SAS; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution
Cenozoic stratigraphy and
paleoceanography; integrated biostratigraphy; isotope stratigraphy;
magnetostratigraphy; and seismic stratigraphy
Michael R. Muller, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Brown
Fluid mechanics; internal gravity waves and thermals
Karl F. Nordstrom, Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Rutgers
Geomorphology; sedimentology
K. Olsson, Professor Emeritus of Geological Sciences, SAS; Ph.D.,
Foraminiferal paleoecology and paleobathymetry; planktonic
foraminiferal bistratigraphy and phyogeny of K/T boundary; sequence
stratigraphy of passive margins
Eric N. Powell, Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D.,
North Carolina (Chapel Hill)
Shellfish biology/modeling; carbonate preservation; reproductive biology
Norbert P. Psuty, Professor Emeritus of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Louisiana State
Coastal geomorphology; shoreline erosion; coastal zone management
John R. Reinfelder, Professor of Environmental Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., SUNY (Stony Brook)
Trace element cycling and bioavailability; inorganic carbon acquisition in marine phytoplankton
A. Rona, Professor of Marine Geology and Geophysics, SEBS; Ph.D., Yale
Structure and evolution of continental margins and ocean basins; ocean
ridges and seafloor hydrothermal processes
Yair Rosenthal,
Professor of Geological Sciences and Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS;
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Woods Hole Oceanographic
Biogeochemistry; paleoceanography
Oscar M.E. Schofield, Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., California (Santa Barbara)
Marine phytoplankton ecology; hydrological optics and remote sensing; integrated ocean observatories
Sybil P. Seitzinger, Visiting Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Rhode Island
Nutrient dynamics in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystemsSilke Severmann, Assistant Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Southampton
Modern and ancient biogeochemical cycles of trace metals and their isotopes
Robert E. Sheridan, Professor of Geological Sciences, SAS; Ph.D., Columbia
Geology and geophysics of the Atlantic continental margin
M. Sherrell, Professor of Geological Sciences and Marine and
Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of
Technology/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Trace metals in the oceanic water column; environmental chemistry
L. Sikes, Associate Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences,
SEBS; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution
Paleoceanography; marine organic geochemistry
Peter Smouse, Professor of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources, SEBS; Ph.D., North Carolina State
Population genetics of marine and terrestrial organisms
Gary L. Taghon, Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Washington (Seattle)
Marine benthic ecology
Christopher G. Uchrin, Professor of Environmental Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Michigan
Mathematical modeling of contaminant transport in surface and ground waters
Costantino Vetriani, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Microbiology and Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Rome
Deep-sea microbiology; thermophiles; microbial adaptations to extreme environments
Franciso Estéban Werner, Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Washington
Structure and function of marine ecosystems; dynamics of populations; coastal ocean forecasting systems
L. Wilkin, Associate Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS;
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Woods Hole Oceanographic
Physical oceanography; coastal dynamics; coupled physical/biological modeling
Associate Members of the Graduate Faculty
W. Ammerman, Associate Research Professor of Marine and Coastal
Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., California (San Diego)/Scripps Institute of
Aquatic (especially marine and estuarine) microbial ecology and biochemistry
Karen G. Bemis, Research Associate in Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Rutgers
Marine hydrothermal systems; plume behavior; volcanology; visualization
H. Dunk, Adjunct Professor of Environmental Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D.,
Meteorology; air-sea interactions; sea breezes
Jennifer A. Francis, Research Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Washington
Satellite remote sensing of polar regions; air/ice/ocean energy transfer
Thomas M. Grothues, Assistant Research Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., SUNY (Stony Brook)
Fish recruitment, dispersal, migration, and habitat use
Michael Kennish, Research Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Rutgers
Marine geology; estuarine and marine ecology; marine pollution
Adam Kustka, Assistant Research Professor of
Marine and Coastal Sciences,
SEBS; Ph.D., SUNY (Stony Brook)
Julia Levin, Assistant Research Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Columbia
Ocean modeling; data assimilation; computational fluid dynamics
Javier Zavala-Garay, Assistant Research Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Colorado
El Niño-southern oscillation prediction and predictability; stochastic process in atmosphere and oceans
Timothy D. Zimmerman, Assistant Professor of Science Education, GSE; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
In/out-of-school ocean/environmental science learning via computer devices
Adjunct Member of the Graduate Faculty
Michael P. Weinstein, Visiting Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Florida State
Coastal ecology; habitat utilization (nekton); secondary production; restoration ecology; ecological engineering