Perry Dane has a body of scholarship that includes conflict of laws,
religion and law, constitutional law, legal pluralism, nonprofits law,
Jewish law, and legal theory.
Professor Dane received his B.A. summa cum laude from Yale College
and his J.D. from Yale Law School, where he was note editor of the law
journal and received the Israel H. Peres Prize awarded by the
faculty for the best student contribution to the Yale Law Journal. After
law school, he clerked for Judge David Bazelon of the U.S. Court of
Appeals and Justice William Brennan of the U.S. Supreme Court and then
served for nine years on the Yale Law School faculty.
Professor Dane has written landmark articles on choice of law,
religion and law, the jurisprudence of Jewish law, legal pluralism, and
jurisdiction. He teaches courses in Conflicts of Law, Constitutional
Law, American Indian Law, Jurisdiction, Law and Religion, Nonprofit
Organizations, Education Law, the Canadian Legal System, The Debate
on Same-Sex Marriage, and seminars on Legalism and Religion and the
State in Cross-National Perspective.
In January 1997, Professor Dane was a distinguished visiting professor at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, teaching an
intensive course on Religion and the Law. More recently, in January
2008, he taught a course on Religion and the State in Cross-National
Perspective as a visiting professor at the University of Western Ontario
Faculty of Law.
During the 2000-01 academic year, Professor Dane was a faculty fellow
at the Rutgers Center for the Critical Analysis of Contemporary Culture
during their program on secularism. During the 2010-11 academic year, he was a full-time resident fellow at the Tikvah Center for Law and Jewish Civilization at the New York University Law School.
He is presently a faculty affiliate of the Rutgers Institute for Law
and Philosophy. He has also been a member of the national seminar of the
Project on Religious Institutions at Yale University's Program on
Non-Profit Organizations, a guest of the Shalom Hartman Institute In
Israel, and a participant in a variety of scholarly conferences around
the nation and the world.
Professor Dane occasionally posts on the Religious Left Law and St. John's Center for Law and Religion group blogs.
In 2011, Professor Dane received the law school's inaugural Dean's
Award for Scholarly Excellence. His service to the larger Rutgers
community includes his current term as chair of the Faculty Council
representing all the units at Rutgers University-Camden.