Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School of Education
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Degree Requirements
Ph.D. Program in Education
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Five-Year Teacher Education Program
Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration
Programs in Educational Administration and Supervision
Programs in Social Studies Education
Program in Adult and Continuing Education
Programs in Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education
Graduate Courses (Educational Administration and Supervision 230)
Graduate Courses (Adult and Continuing Education 233)
Graduate Courses (Social Studies Education 257)
Graduate Courses (Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education 310)
Learning and Teaching
Educational Psychology
Nondepartmental Graduate Courses in Education
Teacher Education/Adminstrative Certification Programs
Governance of the University
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Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  The Graduate School of Education 2004-2006 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration Graduate Courses (Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education 310)  

Graduate Courses (Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education 310)
15:310:500Curriculum and Instruction (3)

Integrated view of problems of curriculum and instruction at the elementary and secondary levels, including (1) the various roles of the professional teacher, (2) problems of curriculum design, and (3) interrelationships between current issues and social forces.

15:310:501History of Educational Thought (3) Impact of the development of thought on education within the context of the intellectual history of Western civilization.
15:310:502History of American Education (3) Historical survey of education in America from the colonial era to the present.
15:310:503Comparative Education (3) Contemporary educational theory and practice as reflected in the analysis of national educational systems. Focus on international reform policies, comparative assessments, and the influence of globalization.
15:310:505Curriculum Development in the Secondary School (3) Augments through practical application various curriculum theories, determinants, principles, and trends. Each student has the opportunity to design a comprehensive curriculum with reference to an actual secondary school situation. Recommended: Secondary school teaching experience.
15:310:508Society, Community, and Education (3) The community context of education, including the early socialization of the child, the stratification of the population, the political control of education, and the informal impact of community; the interpretative framework of society. Students may concentrate on specific community studies or dimensions of particular personal concern.
15:310:510Curriculum of Middle and Junior High School (3) Analysis and evaluation of significant curriculum practices of the middle and junior high school with suggestions for new lines of development; consideration given to organizational patterns.
15:310:515Philosophy of Education (3) Twentieth-century educational theorists. The public school movement, the school/education tension, and contemporary trends.
15:310:517Educational Classics I (3) Analysis of selections from the classical literature of education, including works by Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, Luther, Calvin, Comenius, Locke, and Rousseau.
15:310:518Educational Classics II (3) Selections from the classical literature of education, including the works by Pestalozzi, Herbart, Froebel, Mann, Harris, and Dewey.
15:310:520Sociological Foundations of Education (3) Leading principles of sociology and anthropology and exploration of their function in education; topics include the concepts of status and role in the school, role conflicts, the social system and culture of the school, social class difference in education, and functional analyses of educational problems.
15:310:521Social Philosophies and Education (3) The meaning and purpose of public education in a democratic society. Ideology critique, conceptual analysis, and school study.
15:310:524Education and Social Change (3) The sociological approach to social change; various definitions and sources of social change; the role of education as an aspect of planned change; the historical role of education as a normative institution in light of society`s need for radicals and radical thinking.
15:310:525Moral Values and Public Education (3) Moral aspects of education and the school as an institution; problems in public and private education, church and state relations, and individual and social orientation as these relate to moral systems and qualities.
15:310:528Contemporary Issues in American Education (3) Current criticism of education, its practices and theory.
15:310:531Anthropology of Education (3) Various theories and research findings in cultural anthropology and education, centering on the analysis of diverse ways that people have learned to perpetuate and innovate their culture and the enculturative roles of formal education; cultural order and dynamics, culture and personality, epistemology in education and anthropology, value orientations, scientific validation of values, and enculturative roles of education.
15:310:535Problems in Secondary School Teaching (3) Analysis of teaching problems in classroom situations in light of research and practice. Prerequisite: Three graduate credits in secondary education or secondary curriculum.
15:310:536Methods of Educational Ethnography (3) Intensive survey and application of methods and strategies in ethnography available to the educational researchers; emphasis on fieldwork employing ethnographic data-gathering techniques that involve participant observation and interview. Applicable as a research course.
15:310:537Ethics and Education (3) Examination of ethical theory and its relation to dilemmas of educational practice and policy. Focus on connections between various theoretical approaches to ethics, such as pragmatic, feminist, and metaethical, and a range of practical and policy questions in education, such as grading, discipline, and professionalism.
15:310:541Social Class Influence on Education (3) Examination of current sociological and anthropological theories of social stratification that underlie educational policies and practices, with emphasis on the works of Warner, Davis, and their critics; topics include social class structure, indicators of class position, differences in socialization and mobility, testing biases, and critiques of social class influences in education. Prerequisite: 15:310:520 or permission of instructor.
15:310:544The School as a Social System (3) Detailed study of the social organization of people in the school and its influence on teaching, administration, and learning; analyzing and understanding school and classroom as a social system; student cliques and achievement, informal organization of the faculty, relation of formal and informal organization, values and the school social system, school culture, and resistance to change. Prerequisite: 15:310:520 or permission of instructor.
15:310:551Role of the School in American Society (3) Introduction to educational theory; American systems and theories of education, the nature and genesis of formal education as idea and institution, and the values associated with them.
15:310:561Issues in Afro-American Studies I (3) Historical issues relevant to Afro-American studies: the appropriateness of available historical materials, assessment of radical biases, and other factors affecting presentation of Afro- American studies.
15:310:562Issues in Afro-American Studies II (3) Contemporary aspects of Afro-American studies; the relevance of Afro-American studies to current problems, the role such studies may play in public school curricula, and the impact of such studies on minority group members.
15:310:581Special Issues in Higher Education (BA) Foundations course emphasizing sociological and philosophical dimensions of the college and its environment. Current issues are studied in depth and determined by mutual interest of staff and students.
15:310:599Master's Thesis Research (BA) The library research, data gathering, and writing necessary to produce an acceptable thesis. Work is planned and carried out under the supervision of the thesis committee. Prerequisite: Permission of adviser. Required of students who plan to submit a thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a master`s degree.
15:310:601Problems in History of Education (3) Selected problems in the history of education; works of major figures as they relate to the history of education. Applicable as a research course. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
15:310:602Directed Reading in the Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education (BA) Extensive reading in the humanistic and sociological foundations of education. Careful consideration given to the interests and background of the individual students in devising the reading list. Reports and/or papers on the reading required. Prerequisite: Permission of adviser.
15:310:603Seminar in Ethnography (3) Designed for students interested in conducting ethnographic pilot research in anticipation of writing dissertations. Enhances methodological skills required for such research designs, sustained data collection, data analysis, and interpretation. Provides support system for sustained peer review and collaboration in developing research designs and doing fieldwork.
15:310:605Practicum in School Supervision and Curriculum Development (BA) Laboratory course for advanced students and in-service teachers, administrators, and supervisors. Analysis and treatment of problems relative to curriculum, teaching, and supervision. A problem topic must be selected by the student and approved by the instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
15:310:607Seminar: Special Problems in Educational Theory (3) Theoretical aspects of education. Topics selected for study and particular approaches vary from term to term. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
15:310:608Pragmatism and American Education (3) Views of the pragmatists as they relate to American education; works of James, Dewey, Peirce, Mead, Childs, Bode, and Kilpatrick included. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
15:310:610Independent Study in Social and Philosophical Foundations (BA) Gives students an opportunity to pursue study in areas of their own interest. Students who have well-structured areas of interest will, in consultation with appropriate faculty, design a plan of study and execute it.
15:310:611History of American Higher Education I (3) Explores the history of American higher education from its origins to the beginnings of the 20th century; aims of higher education and the forms taken by institutions examined in the context of social and intellectual history.
15:310:615Seminar in Philosophy of Education (3) Technical problems in philosophy of education. Each student writes and defends at least one research paper on some problem in philosophy of education. Applicable as a research course. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
15:310:625Advanced Seminar in Curriculum Theory and Development (3) Research and theories employed in developing various curricula and the means for testing curriculum theories. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
15:310:701Research in Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education (BA) For graduate students writing doctoral dissertations on topics in social and philosophical foundations of education (anthropology, curriculum theory and development, economics of education, educational theory, history, philosophy, or sociology).
15:310:800Matriculation Continued (0) Continuous registration may be accomplished by enrolling for at least 3 credits in standard course offerings, including research courses, or by enrolling in this course for 0 credits. Students actively engaged in study toward their degree who are using university facilities and faculty time are expected to enroll for the appropriate credits.
15:310:866Graduate Assistantship (E-BA) Students who hold graduate assistantships are required to enroll for 3 or 6 E credits per term in this course.
15:310:877Teaching Assistantship (E-BA) Students who hold teaching assistantships are required to enroll for 3 or 6 E credits per term in this course.
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