Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School of Education
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Degree Requirements
Ph.D. Program in Education
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Five-Year Teacher Education Program
Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration
Programs in Educational Administration and Supervision
Programs in Social Studies Education
Program in Adult and Continuing Education
Programs in Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education
Graduate Courses (Educational Administration and Supervision 230)
Graduate Courses (Adult and Continuing Education 233)
Graduate Courses (Social Studies Education 257)
Graduate Courses (Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education 310)
Learning and Teaching
Educational Psychology
Nondepartmental Graduate Courses in Education
Teacher Education/Adminstrative Certification Programs
Governance of the University
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  The Graduate School of Education 2004-2006 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration Graduate Courses (Educational Administration and Supervision 230)  

Graduate Courses (Educational Administration and Supervision 230)
15:230:500Foundations of Educational Administration and Supervision (3)Analysis of conceptual, technical, and human resources skills associated with administrative and supervisory behavior in schools.  Emphasizes the foundations of leadership, communications, decision making, and human resource management.
15:230:501Leadership and Communications Skills Development I (3)Introduces both the theory and practice of educational leadership.  Drawing upon differing disciplinary perspectives, the class emphasizes linking administrative policies and practices to their theoretical foundations.
15:230:502.School Budgeting (3)Comprehensive review of the basic accounting cycle followed by a study of accounting systems, internal administrative and accounting controls, bond financing, budgeting, and an analysis of financial statements.  The application of site-based budgeting to core curriculum standards presented.Prerequisite: 15:230:520.
15:230:503Business Administration of School Systems (3)

The business administration of a school district, including accounting, budgeting, payroll, purchasing procedures, capital outlay, management information systems, risk management, food service, transportation, personnel records, equipment, and facilities.

15:230:504 Physical Facilities and the Learning Environment (3) The ways in which physical dimensions of the school and classroom influence student behavior, attitudes, and achievement; emphasizes translating research into practical guidelines for the design and management of classroom settings; energy consumption, maintenance, school construction and utilization standards, and overall financing of capital outlay and debt service.
15:230:505School-Community Relations: The Politics of Education (3)

Analysis of the political basis for community support to schools and the influence of community groups on the role of the school administrator.

15:230:506Clinical Studies in School-Community Analysis (3)

Facilitates a field application of community analysis and relations programs; analysis carried out through the use of a varied political, theoretical, and practical base.

Prerequisite: 15:230:505 or permission of instructor.
15:230:507 Education Law (3)

Impact of the legal system on education; emphasizes issues arising from conflicts between public policy and individual rights; study of federal and state constitutions, statutes, regulations, and court decisions.

15:230:512Administration and Supervision of Elementary and Secondary Schools (3)

Problems of organization, supervision, and administration of the elementary and secondary schools.

Prerequisites: 15:230:500, 521.
15:230:514Personnel Administration (3)

Administration of personnel policies, methods, and techniques employed in the public sector, including environmental influences, relevance to organizational structure, collective bargaining, tenure, affirmative action, recruitment, selection, induction, development, appraisal, termination, and legal parameters.

Prerequisite: 15:230:500.
15:230:516 Administration and Supervision of Special Education Services (3)
Role and function of special education; special services within the school and community, including special classes for the mentally and/or physically handicapped; and various services, such as school psychology, school social work, speech correction, learning disabilities specialist, and others.

Prerequisites: Either 15:230:500 or 501 and 521.
15:230:520Public School Finance (3)

State and federal directives on school finance and educational equity; economic principles and national income measures related to public education; calculation of property taxes and bond issues; local, state, and federal methods of financing public education; overview of cost efficiency and effectiveness measures; investments; the basic accounting structure of state and local governments; and the budget system and comprehensive annual reports used by school districts in New Jersey.

15:230:521Supervision of Instruction (3)

Aspects of supervision, such as definition and scope; philosophy, issues, principles, and techniques; understanding and improving the learning situation; and evaluation of supervision.

Basic course; prerequisite to advanced study in supervision.
15:230:522Decision Analysis I (3)

Introduction to decision making in organizations; focuses on organizational missions, goals, and practical techniques for developing decision-making strategies; emphasizes use of microcomputers for quantitative decision making.

Prerequisites: 15:230:500, 501.
15:230:530Internship in Educational Administration (BA)

Firsthand, on-the-job administrator or supervisor training under an able educational leader. May or may not involve part-time status and payment to the intern by the organization in whose system the student is placed.

Arrangements are made by the university, the student, and the participating school district a term in advance.
15:230:600Topics in Educational Administration and Supervision (3)

Selected issues and policies pertinent to the administration and supervision of education. Topics may differ each time the course is offered.

15:230:601Practicum in Educational Administration (BA)

The case-conference method provides an opportunity for analysis of individual administrative problems.

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Open only to advanced graduate students who desire to accomplish independent minor research in the solution of specific problems.
15:230:603Theory and Research Findings in Educational Administration (3)

History and development of theories of administration in general and theories of educational administration in particular; scientific and logical study of administrative performance and leadership behavior designed for the preparation of the practicing administrator, the theorist, and the researcher in educational administration.

Prerequisites: Master's degree and permission of instructor.
15:230:604Organizational Theory in Education (3)

Contemporary organizational theory and analysis with major focus on behavior in educational organizations; the approach is a comparative analysis of formal organizations.

Prerequisite: 15:230:603 or permission of instructor.
15:230:605Fieldwork in Educational Administration (BA)

Provides opportunities for advanced students to do special research on a professional problem in the field under supervision of the Graduate School of Education staff; the problem may involve any phase of local school administration; application of research in the field to local conditions and local facilities.

Prerequisite: Permission of program coordinator.
15:230:607The Law of New Jersey Education (3)

The legislative, judicial, and administrative sources of New Jersey law affecting the cooperation of schools; policy issues, New Jersey Statutes Title 18A, and commissioner's decisions emphasized.


15:230:608Case Studies in Educational Administration and Supervision (3)

Administrative/supervisory cases identifying and diagnosing concrete issues and problems in educational organizations; examples of administering and supervising school improvement, with emphasis given to development and presentation of solutions and practical leadership strategies.

15:230:610Administration for School Effectiveness (3)

Examines literature on school factors related to student learning and planned organizational change. Students conduct an on-site school assessment with recommendations for instituting change.

Prerequisites: 12 credits, including 15:230:500, 501, 521.
15:230:613,614Research Problems in Educational Administration and Supervision I,II (3,3)

Problem areas in educational administration and supervision and examination of relevant potential research topics and appropriate methodologies of study; practical experiences in the research process as a way of integrating course work experiences; and the preparation of a doctoral dissertation.

15:230:630Readings in the Administration and Supervision of Education (BA)

Study of literature and research in an area of administration and supervision of educational institutions. The interests and background of the student and his or her professional career goal are given careful consideration in the development of the reading list. Periodic reports and/or papers on the readings are used to evaluate student progress.

Prerequisite: Permission of department.
15:230:650Seminar in Educational Supervision (3)

Using the clinical approach, students carry on studies of the theoretical context of supervisory practice, methodological techniques, sociology of supervision, and supervision as leadership in curriculum improvement.

Prerequisites: 15:230:500, 521, or permission of instructor.
15:230:701Dissertation Study: Educational Administration (BA)
Prerequisite: Permission of adviser. Open to graduate students who are writing a doctoral thesis in the field of administration.
15:230:800Matriculation Continued (0)
Continuous registration can be accomplished by enrlling for at least 3 credits in standard course offerings, including research courses, or by enrolling in this course for 0 credits. Students actively engaged in study towared their degree who are using university facilities and faculty time are expected to enroll for the appropriate credits.
15:230:866Graduate Assistantship (E-BA)
Students who hold graduate assistantships are required to enroll in this course for 3 or 6 E credits per term.
15:230:877Teaching Assistantship (E-BA)

Students who hold teaching assistantships are required to enroll in this course for 3 or 6 E credits per term.
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