Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School of Education
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About the School
Degree Programs Available
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Degree Requirements
Ph.D. Program in Education
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Five-Year Teacher Education Program
Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration
Programs in Educational Administration and Supervision
Programs in Social Studies Education
Program in Adult and Continuing Education
Programs in Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education
Graduate Courses (Educational Administration and Supervision 230)
Graduate Courses (Adult and Continuing Education 233)
Graduate Courses (Social Studies Education 257)
Graduate Courses (Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education 310)
Learning and Teaching
Educational Psychology
Nondepartmental Graduate Courses in Education
Teacher Education/Adminstrative Certification Programs
Governance of the University
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  The Graduate School of Education 2004-2006 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration Graduate Courses (Adult and Continuing Education 233)  

Graduate Courses (Adult and Continuing Education 233)
15:233:542Introduction to Adult and Continuing Education (3)

The nature of the field and major areas of professional practice; examines basic concepts and issues and analyzes various program areas and institutional settings.

15:233:543Adulthood and Learning (3) Adult social roles, psychological characteristics, and learning patterns in light of their implications for educational practice.
15:233:545Program Development in Adult and Continuing Education I (3) Focuses on the design and evaluation of educational programs for adults, needs assessment, planning techniques, and evaluation procedures; development of planning and evaluation procedures.
15:233:546Program Development in Adult and Continuing Education II (3) The marketing, management, and evaluation of educational programs for adults; practical experience acquired through developing and managing a workshop, short course, or other adult learning activity.
15:233:547Principles of Staff Training and Development (3) Design, development, implementation, and evaluation of performance-oriented instructional programs; utilizes an instructional systems design model in the application of adult learning principles to in-service education programs and training in industry and human services agencies.
15:233:548Issues and Problems in Adult and Continuing Education (BA) Analyzes critical issues and problems in the field of adult and continuing education, such as functional literacy, governmental influence, and professionalism. Topics may differ each time the course is offered.
15:233:549Adult Literacy and Basic Education in American Society (3) The major issues and problems related to the assessment of literacy needs of American society and the design of adult educational programs to meet those needs; factors relevant to the design and implementation of adult basic education programs to provide reading, writing, and mathematics skills to educationally disadvantaged adults.
15:233:640Proseminar in Adult and Continuing Education (3) Examines the research literature in adult education, including the identification of information sources, the interpretation of research, and the evaluation of research reports. Assists students in identifying areas of needed research and focusing research interests. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
15:233:641Conceptual Foundations of Adult and Continuing Education (3) Advanced seminar emphasizing the historical, philosophical, and comparative international aspects of the field`s development and current status.
15:233:642Independent Studies in Adult and Continuing Education (BA) Provides the student with an opportunity to pursue an area of interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The student is expected to develop a plan of study and submit appropriate evidence of its fulfillment. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
15:233:644Internship in Adult and Continuing Education (BA) Provides an opportunity for the student to gain guided experience in a practice setting. Strongly recommended for students without substantial professional experience.
15:233:646Research Seminar in Adult and Continuing Education (3) Stresses the appropriate use of procedures, methodology, and the refinement of research skills. Each student plans and conducts a research project, which is critiqued by the instructor and other students. Students are encouraged to publish results.
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