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Graduate School of Education
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Ph.D. Program in Education
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  The Graduate School of Education 2004-2006 Ph.D. Program in Education  

Ph.D. Program in Education

(in conjunction with the Graduate School-New Brunswick)

Degree Program Offered: Doctor of Philosophy

Director of Graduate Program: Professor Angela M. O`Donnell, 10 Seminary Place, College Avenue Campus (732/932-7496, ext. 8104)

Members of the Graduate Faculty

Lara Alcock, Assistant Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Warwick
Learning and teaching of proof-oriented mathematics

Steven Barnett, Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ph.D., Michigan
Economics of education; educational policy; evaluation

Harold Beder, Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ed.D., Columbia
Adult literacy policy; adult education

Alisa A. Belzer, Assistant Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Adult literacy education; professional development and policy

Margaret Bendersky, Professor of Pediatrics, UMDNJ-RWJMS; Ph.D., Washington
Effects of early biological and environmental risks on development

Katrina E. Bulkley, Assistant Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ph.D., Stanford
Educational policy and politics; educational reform; school politics

Gregory Camilli, Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Colorado
Statistics and measurement

Kenneth D. Carlson, Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ed.D., SUNY (Buffalo)
Social studies education; educational equity

Julie Cheville, Assistant Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Iowa
Portfolios, postprocess writing, situated cognition

Clark Chinn, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)
Educational psychology

Amy Cohen, Professor of Mathematics, FAS-NB; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)

Mary Elizabeth Curran, Assistant Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Wisconsin
Issues in language education; multicultural education

Richard DeLisi, Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Catholic
Developmental psychology

Bari Erlichson, Assistant Professor of Public Policy, EJBSPPP; Ph.D., Stanford
American government; education policy

Eugenia Etkina, Associate Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Moscow State Pedagogical
Mathematics and science education

Richard Falk, Professor of Mathematics, FAS-NB; Ph.D., Cornell
Applied mathematics; numerical analysis

William Firestone, Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ph.D., Chicago
Educational policy; policy implementation; math standards implementation

William Garner, Associate Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ed.D., Pennsylvania State
Education administration; finance policy

James M. Giarelli, Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ph.D., Florida
Educational philosophy and policy; ethics and education; civic education

Martin Gliserman, Associate Professor of English, FAS-NB; Ph.D., Indiana
Psychoanalysis/literature (narrative)

Susan Golbeck, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State
Cognitive development

Gerald Goldin, Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Princeton
Mathematics education; mathematics; theoretical physics

David Guston, Associate Professor of Public Policy, EJBSPPP; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Public policy; role of experts

Sandra Harris, Professor of Psychology, FAS-NB/GSAPP; Ph.D., New York (Buffalo)
Education of autistic children

Cindy Hmelo-Silver, Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Vanderbilt
Cognitive and instructional strategies

Melanie R. Kuhn, Assistant Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Georgia
Reading fluency development

Linda Lederman, Professor of Communications, SCILS; Ph.D., Rutgers
Communication and experiential learning; qualitative research methods

Barbara Lee, Professor of Human Resource Management, SMLR; Ph.D., Ohio State
Policy; management industrial relations and human resources

Michael Lewis, Professor of Psychology, UMDNJ-RWJMS; Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Developmental psychology

Barbara Louis, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, UMDNJ-RWJMS; Ph.D., Rutgers
Giftedness in young children, perspective taking, theory of mind

Catherine Lugg, Assistant Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Education policy/politics

Carolyn Maher, Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ed.D., Rutgers
Mathematics education

Lorraine McCune, Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ed.D., Rutgers
Developmental psychology

Richard Miller, Associate Professor of English, FAS-NB; Ph.D., Pittsburgh
Pedagogy; composition theory; history of educational reform

Naftaly Minsky, Professor of Computer Science, FAS-NB; Ph.D., Hebrew
Computer science

Lesley M. Morrow, Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Fordham
Literacy development

Joseph Naus, Professor of Statistics, FAS-NB; Ph.D., Harvard
Statistics and probability

Angela O'Donnell, Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Texas Christian
Educational psychology

Douglas Penfield, Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Educational statistics and measurement

Wallis Reid, Associate Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Columbia

Fred S. Roberts, Professor of Mathematics, FAS-NB/DIMACS; Ph.D., Stanford
Discrete mathematical models; graph theory; decision making; measurement theory

Gianine Rosenblum, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, UMDNJ-RWJMS; Ph.D., Rutgers
Adolescent development, developmental psychopathology

Joseph Rosenstein, Professor of Mathematics, FAS-NB; Ph.D., Cornell
Mathematics education

Alan Rosenthal, Professor of Public Policy, EJBSPPP; Ph.D., Princeton
Political science

Sharon Ryan, Assistant Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Columbia
Early childhood education

Michael Saks, Professor of Mathematics, FAS-NB/DIMACS; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mathematical foundation of the theory of computing, computational complexity, and algorithms

Larry Scanlon, Associate Professor of English, FAS-NB; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins
Medieval studies theory; pedagogy; humanities computing

Jeffrey Smith, Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Chicago
Measurement; research methods

Michael Smith, Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D.,
Secondary English education

Dorothy Strickland, State of New Jersey Professor of Reading, Samuel DeWitt Proctor Professor of Education, GSE; Ph.D., New York
Literacy: reading and writing development

Daniel Tanner, Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ph.D., Ohio State
Educational policy (curriculum policy at federal, state, and local levels)

Saundra Tomlinson-Clarke, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Florida State
Multicultural, psychosocial development

Barbara Turnbull, Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., British Columbia
Evaluation and measurement

Kay Vandergrift, Professor of Library and Information Science, SCILS; Ed.D., Columbia
Library services for children; educational media services

Carl Van Horn, Professor of Public Policy, EJBSPPP; Ph.D., Ohio State
Employment policy and public policy

Stanley Vitello, Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Connecticut
Special education law and policy

Carol Weinstein, Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ed.D., Harvard
Classroom management; learning to teach

Robert Wilson, Professor of Mathematics, FAS-NB; Ph.D., Yale

Nancy Wolff, Associate Professor of Urban Studies and Community Health, EJBSPPP; Ph.D., Iowa
Methodology; costing methods; program evaluation

John Young, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Stanford
Educational statistics and measurement

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