Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Camden Undergraduate
About the University
Undergraduate Education in Camden
Degree Requirements
Liberal Arts Colleges
Camden College of Arts and Sciences
University College-Camden
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Course Notation Information
Availability of Majors
Accounting 010
Africana Studies 014
American History 512
American Literature 352
Anthropology 070
Art 080
Art History 082
Arts and Sciences 090 (Interdisciplinary Courses)
Astronomy 100
Biochemistry 115
Biology 120
Biology, Computational and Integrative 121
Business Administration 135
Business Law 140
Chemistry (Biochemistry 115, Chemistry 160)
Childhood Studies 163
Computer Science 198
Criminal Justice 202
Dance 203
Digital Studies 209
Economics 220
Engineering Transfer 005
English and Communication (Communication 192, English Literature 350, American Literature 352, Film 354, Journalism 570, Linguistics 615, Rhetoric 842, Writing 989)
Major Requirements: CCAS and UCC
Minor Requirements: CCAS and UCC
Independent Study and Internship: CCAS and UCC
Departmental Honors Program: CCAS and UCC
Teacher Certification in English: CCAS and UCC
Graduate Courses for Undergraduate Credit: CCAS and UCC
Dual-Degree Program
Courses (Communication 192)
Courses (English Literature 350)
Courses (American Literature 352)
Courses (Film 354)
Courses (Journalism 570)
Courses (Linguistics 615)
Courses (Rhetoric 842)
Courses (Writing 989)
Finance 390
Forensic Science 412
French 420
Gender Studies 443
Geology 460
German 470
Global Studies 480
Health Sciences 499
History (Historical Methods and Research 509; European History 510; American History 512; African, Asian, Latin American, and Comparative History 516)
Honors College 525
Human Resource Management 533
Individualized Majors and Minors 555
Journalism 570
Latin American and Latino Studies (LALS) Minor
Learning Abroad
Liberal Studies 606
Linguistics 615
Management 620
Management Science and Information Systems 623
Marketing 630
Mathematical Sciences (Mathematics 640, Statistics 960)
Medicine, Dentistry, and Veterinary Medicine
Museum Studies 698
Music 700, 701
Pharmacy 720
Philosophy and Religion 730, 840
Physics 750
Political Science 790
Psychology 830
Religion 840
Reserve Officer Training Programs
Social Work 910
Sociology (920), Anthropology (070), and Criminal Justice (202)
Spanish 940
Statistics 960
Teacher Education 964
Theater Arts (Dance 203, Theater Arts 965)
World Languages and Cultures (French 420, German 470, Global Studies 480, Spanish 940)
Urban Studies 975
Visual, Media, and Performing Arts (Art 080; Art History 082; Museum Studies 698; Music 700, 701; Theater Arts 965)
Rutgers School of Business-Camden
School of Nursing-Camden
Academic Policies and Procedures
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Camden Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2025 Liberal Arts Colleges Programs, Faculty, and Courses English and Communication (Communication 192, English Literature 350, American Literature 352, Film 354, Journalism 570, Linguistics 615, Rhetoric 842, Writing 989) Courses (Communication 192)  

Courses (Communication 192)

50:192:101 Introduction to Communication (3) An introduction to the basic principles and phenomena of communication, including interpersonal, intercultural, small group, and organizational communication as well as mass media and social media. Also provides an overview of major theories of communication as a basis for further study.
50:192:210 Advertising Communication (3) This course will introduce students to the fundamentals involved in the advertising profession, with particular attention to the communication methods used to achieve success in this field. Using a hands-on approach, students will focus on key steps in the creative process: from understanding a product's value, to devising messages that appeal to targeted audiences, to communicating through words and visuals. We'll look at successful ad campaigns and strategies now being employed in the digital era. Tapping into current workplace practices, students will emulate the tasks of advertising professionals, creating ad copy, formulating marketing strategies, and developing full-blown advertising campaigns. Prerequisite: 50:989:101.
50:192:211 Introduction to Mass Communication (3) A survey course examining the history and modern developments of newspapers, magazines, books, radio, television, movies, music, the internet, advertising, and public relations.
50:192:229/230 Special Topics in Communication (3/3) Pilots new courses in communication to gauge student interest.
50:192:232 Computational Thinking (3) How do we use computation to solve problems? What kinds of problems are solvable with computation, and what kinds aren't? This course offers students both practical and theoretical experience with computer programming. No previous programming experience is required.
50:192:281 Public Speaking (3) This course is an introduction to public speaking through an overview of theories of rhetoric and the art of oratory, and by practice in composing and delivering speeches in a range of genres, including informative and persuasive. In addition, it orients students to the multiple forms in which public speech circulates today, including face-to-face and digital environments.
50:192:307 Public Relations (3) An introduction to the field of public relations (PR), which will lay a groundwork toward developing the skills required to become a PR professional.
50:192:308 Terrorism and the Media (3) This course explores global news channels with a particular focus on the coverage of terrorism. It examines information gathering and dissemination about terrorism under different political, social, and cultural systems, with a focus on the role of the United States in regards to terrorism, and how this role compares to and influences countries around the world. This course will provide students with knowledge of current affairs regarding terrorism globally and allow them to analyze media messages in a critical way.
50:192:329/330 Special Topics in Communication (3/3) Pilots new courses in communication to gauge student interest. Prerequisite: 50:989:102.
50:192:340 Independent Study in Communication (3) An opportunity for advanced students to work individually with an instructor on a self-determined course of study. The project culminates in a substantial paper. Prerequisite: 50:989:102.
50:192:440 Independent Study in Communication (3) An opportunity for advanced students to work individually with an instructor on a self-determined course of study. The project culminates in a substantial paper. Prerequisite: 50:989:102.
For additional information, contact RU-info at 848-445-info (4636) .
Comments and corrections to: One Stop Student Services Center.

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