The major in English consists of 34 credits in English with a grade of C or better, exclusive of 50:989:101-102. All majors must take:
1. 50:350:201 Introduction to English Studies (Note: 350:220 will satisfy this requirement.)
2. Any course in Linguistics (615) (3 credits)
3. Communication (3 credits). Any course in Communication (192), Journalism (570), Rhetoric (842), or Writing (989).
4. Two literary history courses (6 credits): Historical survey course and any 300-level pre-1800 course.
5. 18 additional credits in courses offered by the department subject codes 192, 350, 352, 354, 570, 615, 842, and 989.
6. Intersectionality: One of the above courses must also be designated as an "Intersectionality" course.
7. 50:350:400 Portfolio Pro-seminar (1 credit)
One of the above courses must satisfy the diversity requirement.
Grades of D: A student may satisfy specific departmental requirements with a course grade of D, but the credits for that course may not be included in the 34 required for the major. Any Department of English and Communication course(s) may be taken to make up the deficit.