Introductory Topics in Psychology (3)
Introductory level review of selected topics in psychology.
No prerequisite; does not substitute for 50:830:101. May be taken a maximum of two times for departmental credit, as long as the department agrees that the topics are different.
Introduction to Psychology (R) (3)
Introduction to the methods, theories, facts, and basic principles
in the major fields of psychology, including biological basis of
behavior, sensation and perception, learning, cognitive processes, life
span development, personality, social psychology, psychological
testing, and clinical diagnosis and treatment. Participation in
research or completion of an approved, appropriate alternative activity
Introductory Social Psychology (R) (3)
A survey of research and theory concerning humans as they influence and
are influenced by their social environment. Includes small group
studies, social influences in communication, attitude formation and
change, and social perception, as well as aspects of larger
interpersonal settings, such as the family and the organization.
(Formerly 50:830:235) Credit not given for both this course and 50:830:335. Not recommended for psychology majors.
Frontiers in Psychology (3)
Faculty members and distinguished visiting lecturers lead seminars
in their fields of specialization. Students prepare and present papers
on assigned topics that change from year to year.
(Formerly 50:830:488) Prerequisite: 50:830:101 or 135.
The Psychology of Minority Groups (D) (3)
An examination of the personality patterns, psychological dynamics, and social-cultural styles that emerge from the encounter of minority groups with American culture. Attempts made to define the major psychological events within minority groups as they relate to developmental processes, attitudes, perceptions, and identity patterns.
Prerequisite: 50:830:101 or 135.
Psychology of Marriage and the Family (3)
The psychological study of interpersonal behavior within family units, both nuclear and extended; addresses conjoint personal development, communication networks, and intrafamily conflict.
Prerequisite: 50:830:101 or 135.
Psychology of Adjustment (3)
The interaction of psychological and environmental factors determining
the mental well-being of the individual, with special emphasis on
individual problems of personality development and adjustment.
(Formerly 50:830:408) Prerequisite: 50:830:101 or 135.
Psychology of Childhood (3)
Examination of psychological development from birth through late
childhood. Topics include motor abilities, language,
intelligence, social and emotional behavior and attitudes, with
emphasis on the prevention of maladjustment.
(Formerly 50:830:325) Prerequisite: 50:830:101 or 135.
Psychology of Personality (3)
Examination of theoretical and research approaches to the understanding
of individual behavior, considering both individual traits and
situational sources of influence.
(Formerly 50:830:371) Prerequisite: 50:830:101 or 135.
Hypnosis (3)
An examination of phenomena of hypnosis from both experimental and
clinical perspectives, including measurement, personality
characteristics of the suggestible person, applied work such as pain
control, and selected research issues.
(Formerly 50:830:360) Prerequisite: 50:830:101 or 135.
Interviewing Techniques (R) (3)
Development of interviewing/counseling skills through readings,
in-class role plays, videotaping, and a required 30-hour human
services/resources field placement. Basic communication skills
introduced using the microskills approach.
(Formerly 50:830:440)
Statistics for Social Science (3)
Provides an introduction to the basic concepts of psychological
statistics, both descriptive (organization and presentation of data)
and inferential (drawing conclusions from data). Major emphasis on
practical applications in psychological research.
(Formerly 50:830:215) Prerequisite: 50:830:101 or 135. Recommended: 50:730:201 or equivalent. Credit not given for this course and 50:960:183 or equivalent.
Method and Theory in Psychology (W) (3)
A survey of research methods in psychology, emphasizing the guiding
role of theory in scientific research. Consideration of the nature and
history of scientific theories in psychology, hypothesis generation,
review of extant literature, measurement, experimental design, control
of extraneous variables, analysis, interpretation, replication, and
testing the ecological validity of results. Emphasis on the
self-correcting nature of the research process through replication and
extension, peer review, increased methodological sophistication, and
quantitative analysis.
(Formerly 50:830:225) Prerequisite: 50:830:101.
Educational Psychology (3)
Examines how individuals develop and learn, with particular emphasis on
the classroom. Includes motivation, student interests, creating a
healthy learning environment, language development, testing, and
individual differences.
(Formerly 50:830:383)
Psychology of Women (D) (3)
The psychological impact of being female; a review of research and
theory on the development of sex differences in identity and other
aspects of personality.
(Formerly 50:830:373) Prerequisite: 50:830:101 or 135.
Psychology of Human Sexuality (D) (3)
Covers the major methodological and theoretical approaches to the
psychological study of human sexuality. Topics include sexual arousal,
the psychological effects of exposure to pornography, and sexual
variations and dysfunctions.
(Formerly 50:830:347) Prerequisite: 50:830:101 or 135.
Human Emotions (3)
Inquiry into the nature of human emotions, their causes, and functions.
Topics discussed include physiological, behavioral, and cognitive
approaches to emotions; expressive aspects; motivational aspects;
emotional development; individual, gender, and cultural differences;
emotional pathology; emotional self-regulation and control.
(Formerly 50:830:393) Prerequisite: 50:830:101 or 135.
Psychology of Consciousness (3)
Examination of various aspects of consciousness from psychological
perspectives, including those of cognition, neuroscience,
phenomenology, and evolution. Topics include sleep and dreams,
perception and thought, effects of psychoactive drugs, introspective
reports, and brain function in healthy and injured people.
Prerequisite: 50:830:101 or 135.
Psychology and the Law (3)
Explores the relationship between the field of psychology and the legal
system, the decision-making process of judges and juries, eyewitness
reliability, criminal insanity, the use of psychological knowledge to
raise legal issues, and assumptions that the legal system makes about
human nature.
(Formerly 50:830:341) Prerequisite: 50:830:101 or 135.
Legal and Social Aspects of Mental Health (3)
A critical discussion of the mental health system and the assumptions
on which it is based. Special attention paid to related social and
political issues, such as involuntary commitment and imposed treatment.
(Formerly 50:830:352) Prerequisite: 50:830:101 or 135.
Industrial Psychology (3)
Personnel selection and placement; psychology of industrial and human
relations; worker morale, motivation, and efficiency; human factors in
equipment design, marketing, and advertising research.
(Formerly 50:830:350) Prerequisite: 50:830:255.
Psychology of Adolescence (3)
Examination of psychological development during adolescence, treating
each stage with reference to the particular problems and deviations
characteristic of it. Emphasis on the continuity between stages
of adolescence.
Prerequisite: 50:830:101 or 135.
Psychology of Aging (3)
Offers an overview of the psychology of aged people in our society. The
effects of physical change, social habitat, and impending death upon
the personality and behavior of the aged person examined.
(Formerly 50:830:354) Prerequisite: 50:830:101 or 135.
Social Psychology (3)
Psychological study of the individual interacting with others. Specific topics include attribution theory, attraction, attitudes, aggression, altruism, and group decision making.
Prerequisite: 50:830:255. Credit not given for both this course and 50:830:135.
Group Dynamics (3)
Examines basic aspects of group interaction, including
experiential exercises. Lectures and readings focus on a variety of
theories relevant to the analysis of group processes.
(Formerly 50:830:361) Prerequisite: 50:830:255.
Abnormal Psychology (3)
A survey of the field of mental disorder and abnormal behavior and
consideration of diagnostic systems. Constitutional, psychodynamic, and
environmental factors conditioning abnormal behavior.
(Formerly 50:830:363) Prerequisite: 50:830:101 or 135.
Introduction to Clinical Psychology (3)
A survey of activities and practices of contemporary clinical
psychology covering three broad areas of practice--tertiary,
secondary, and primary prevention--and the activities specific to each
area. Emphasizes the interdependence of clinical and other areas
of psychology, as well as research procedures and contributions.
(Formerly 50:830:358) Prerequisites: 50:830:255 and 340.
Health Psychology (3)
Focuses on understanding psychological processes that influence health.
Topics to be discussed include stress and illness, personality and
disease, chronic illness and death, health promotion and disease
prevention through behavior change, and relationships between patients
and practitioners. The changing health care environment and the need to
understand the role of individuals' lifestyles in determining their
health are emphasized.
Prerequisite: 50:830:255.
Computer Applications in Psychology (3)
Introduction to using computers for psychological research, with
applications that include collecting data and controlling experiments
in a laboratory environment, reducing and analyzing data, making
graphics, and constructing and testing theories.
(Formerly 50:830:315) Prerequisites: 50:830:250, 255 or equivalent.
Psychological Tests and Measurements (3)
Introduction to the history, development, and principles of
psychological testing, including techniques of administration, scoring,
and interpretation. Intelligence, aptitude, achievement, interest, and
personality tests studied theoretically and empirically. The impact of
testing on the individual and on society.
(Formerly 50:830:385) Prerequisites: 50:830:250 and 255.
Cognitive Processes (3)
Examines research on human information processing, including attention,
pattern recognition, memory, thought, and problem solving. Discusses
laboratory techniques, theoretical models, and research applications to
practical concerns, such as reading, training strategies, and human
(Formerly 50:830:404) Prerequisite: 50:830:255.
Psychology of Learning (3)
A survey of the major historical theories of learning with special
emphasis on critical comparison of special issues and problems.
Comparison of the major theoretical positions in terms of the ways in
which each of them approaches special problems in learning.
(Formerly 50:830:330) Prerequisite: 50:830:255.
Laboratory in Experimental Psychology (1)
Examines scientific methods of approaching the study of behavior. Students gain practical experience in research techniques used in selected areas of psychology.
Prerequisites: 50:830:101, 250, and 255. Corequisite: 50:830:381 or other lecture course offering a laboratory.
Experimental Psychology (W) (3)
Designed to introduce the student to experimental techniques and methodological problems involved in the investigation of psychological phenomena. Prepares the student to conduct research, analyze data, and interpret and report results of experiments.
Prerequisites: 50:830:101, 250, and 255. Corequisite: 50:830:380.
Experimental Psychology Laboratory II (1)
An advanced laboratory in psychology.
Prerequisites: 50:830:380, 381, and permission of instructor. Corequisite: Lecture course designated by department (changes each term).
History and Theory in Psychology (4)
Examination of the prominent systematic views and problems in
psychology in terms of their historical antecedents and current impact.
(Formerly 50:830:423) Prerequisite: 50:830:255.
The Psychology of Human Judgment (3)
Issues in behavior decision theory, such as the nature of human inference, rational and irrational choice, and the processes of decision making. Discusses development and psychobiological aspects of judgment and choice. Emphasizes psychological theories of judgment and choice that can be tested empirically.
Prerequisite: 50:830:255.
Theory and Practice of Negotiation (3)
Involves both study of theory and extensive practice of evolving
techniques in negotiation. Students gain insight into and skills in
conflict resolution. The study of conflict reveals central
psychological phenomena of theoretical interest, and the resolution of
conflict is becoming a standard topic of study in today's universities.
Prerequisite: 50:830:255.
Research Methods of Social Psychology (3)
Students engage in research projects in the laboratory, naturalistic
field study settings, and/or organizational contexts conducted under
the supervision of the instructor; in-depth studies of basic social
psychological processes, such as group dynamics, leadership, attitude
change, crowding, and conflict resolution.
(Formerly 50:830:429) Prerequisites: 50:830:335 and permission of instructor.
Advanced Social Psychology (3)
In-depth treatment of selected issues in social psychology, including
theories and research techniques, social influence, social cognition,
and interpersonal relations. Class research project.
(Formerly 50:830:430) Prerequisite: 50:830:335.
The Psychology of Strongly Held Beliefs (3)
Inquiry into the origins, structure, and psychological functions
of strongly held systems of belief, such as political liberalism and
conservatism, attitudes toward war and peace, and attitudes toward
social issues (e.g., abortion, racial attitudes). Topics include
relationships of personality, personal experiences, and socialization
to political beliefs.
(Formerly 50:830:443) Prerequisites: 50:830:255 and 335.
Developmental Psychopathology (3)
Applies a developmental approach to the understanding of childhood
disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,
oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, depression, and
anxiety disorders.
Prerequisite: 50:830:255.
Theories of Psychotherapy (3)
This class covers different approaches to psychotherapy including psychoanalytic, humanistic, gestalt, existential, cognitive, behavioral, and solution-focused approaches. The focus will be on the theory behind each approach. While techniques used by the different approaches will be briefly discussed, students will not be taught how to do therapy.
Prerequisite: 50:830:255.
Behavior Modification (3)
Philosophical, theoretical, and experimental background of behavior
modification together with clinical applications. Specific topics
include principles of operant conditioning, misconceptions of behavior
modification, reinforcement systems, aversive approaches, cognitive
behavior therapy, and ethical and legal issues.
(Formerly 50:830:436) Prerequisite: 50:830:255.
Intelligence (D) (3)
An examination of the historical origins of the concept and measurement
of intelligence, together with a consideration of the research on
heritability and group differences. Social as well as scientific
implications of the research discussed.
(Formerly 50:830:353) Prerequisites: 50:830:250 and 255.
Special Topics in Psychology (2-3)
Selected theoretical, experimental, and applied problems in psychology. Specific topics covered rotated from term to term depending on the interests of participating faculty and students.
Prerequisites: 50:830:101 or 135 and junior or senior status or permission of instructor.
Learning and Memory (3)
A critical survey of the outstanding attempts to understand the nature of learning and memory. Emphasis on classical and current theories and their implications. Demonstrates a range of phenomena from simple conditioning to complex verbal learning.
Prerequisite: 50:830:255.
Perception (3)
Examines what we need to know about the objects and events that surround us, how our eyes and ears sense this information, how the patterns of neural activity in our brain represent this information, and finally, what scientists know about our visual and auditory experiences.
Prerequisite: 50:830:255.
Behavioral Pharmacology (3)
The action of drugs on the nervous system and
behavior. Topics include principles of drug action, drug-environment
interactions, drug abuse, drugs and therapeutic agents, and drugs as
tools in psychological research.
(Formerly 50:830:437) Prerequisite: 50:830:255.
Physiological Psychology (3)
Examines the relationship between biology and behavior, by
studying the workings of animal brains, functional deficits of
brain-damaged humans, neurophysiological mechanisms, and the genetics
of behavior. Topics may include biological mechanisms of
language, addiction, anxiety, depression, learning, aggression, and
other aspects of human psychology.
(Formerly 50:830:484) Prerequisite: 50:830:255.
Psychological Analysis of Animal Behavior (3)
Examines the behavior of animals with emphasis on the evolution of
behavior patterns and the experiential determiners of these patterns.
Topics include communication, behavior-structure relationships,
behavioral strategies, general adaptations versus specialized
functions, and the evolution of intelligence.
(Formerly 50:830:486) Prerequisite: 50:830:255.
Advanced Seminar in Psychology (R) (3)
Faculty members and distinguished visiting lecturers lead seminars in their fields of specialization; students prepare and present papers on assigned topics that change from year to year.
Prerequisites: 50:830:255 and permission of instructor.
Individual Supervision of Fieldwork in Psychology (R) (1-3)
Provides advanced psychology majors with an opportunity to
integrate and expand their knowledge of psychology through applied
experiences in the community. Students are encouraged to develop their
own placements, but may consult with the instructor for help in
establishing a placement. Students are expected to meet with the
instructor regularly throughout the term, keep a journal of their
experiences, and complete a class project/paper.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. This course may be repeated for maximum of 9 credits.
Advanced Independent Study in Psychology (R) (1-3)
Students are required to undertake a term-long or yearlong laboratory
or library project under the supervision of a member of the department.
Strongly recommended for students planning to attend graduate school.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. This course may be repeated for credit, but only 9 credits can be applied toward the requirements for the major.
Honors Program in Psychology (3,3)
Design, execution, analysis, and presentation of original
research, undertaken after departmental approval of an honor's research
proposal and conducted under the supervision of one or more faculty
members. May be taken only with departmental approval.
Prerequisite: By permission only.