B.A. in neurobiology (38 credits in biology courses--one course must be
writing intensive)
1) Core Course Requirements (12 credits required) 28:120:200 Concepts in Biology(4) 21:120:201
Foundations of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology (3) 21:120:202
Foundations of Biology: Cellular
and Molecular Laboratory (1) 28:120:205
Foundations of Biology: Ecology
and Evolution (3) 28:120:206
Foundations of Biology: Ecology
and Evolution Laboratory (1)
2) Concept clusters (16 credits - required courses) A) Evolutionary Framework (one course required) 21:120:222 Evolution
B) The Functional Organism (one course required) 21:120:340
Mammalian Physiology (4)
C) Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms (one course
required) 28:120:315 Principles
of Neurobiology (3)
D) Cellular and Systems Neuroscience (two of three courses
required) 28:120:341 Introduction
to Neurophysiology (3) 21:120:444 Cellular
Neurobiology (3) 28:120:447
Systems Neurobiology (3)
3) Laboratory Experience (2 courses required) 21:120:285
Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy (4) 21:120:342/343
Developmental Biology and Developmental Biology Laboratory (4) 28:120:451 Cell
Physiology and Imaging (4) 21:120:452
Laboratory in Molecular Biotechniques (4)
4) Neurobiology Electives 21:120:282
Animal Behavior (3) 21:120:341
Introduction to Neurophysiology (3) 28:120:344
Physiological Mechanisms (3) 21:120:345
Comparative Vertebrate Physiology (3) 28:120:383 Neural
Basis of Behavior (3) 21:120:444 Cellular
Neurobiology (3) 28:120:447 Systems
Neurobiology (3) 21/28:120:445
Endocrinology (3) 28:120:448 Neuropathophysiology (3) NJIT Math430
Analytical and Computational Neuroscience (3) NJIT
Math431 Systems Computations Neuroscience (3) 21/28:120:491
Problems in Biology (1-3) 21/28:120:492
Problems in Biology (1-3)
5) Cognate Courses 21:160:115
General Chemistry I (4) 21:160:116
General Chemistry II (4) 21:160:113
General Chemistry Laboratory I (1) 21:160:114
General Chemistry Laboratory II (1) 21:160:335
Organic Chemistry I (4) 21:160:336
Organic Chemistry II (4) 21:160:331
Organic Chemistry Laboratory (2) 21:640:135
Calculus I (4) 21:750:203
General Physics I (4) or 21:750:213
University Physics I (4) 21:750:204
General Physics II (4) or 21:750:214
University Physics II (4) 21:750:205
Introductory Physics Laboratory I (1) 21:750:206
Introductory Physics Laboratory II (1)