Academic Foundations Center
Bradley Hall, First Floor
Deborah Walker-McCall, M.B.A., Associate Dean of Academic Affairs; Director of Academic Foundations Center/Educational Opportunity Fund
Rose Bailey-Byers, M.A., Assistant Dean of Academic Counseling Services
Suja Patel, M.S.W., Assistant Dean of Assessment and Administration
Michael Billich, B.S., Unit Computing Specialist
Darlene Brown, M.P.A., Educational Opportunity Fund Program Coordinator
Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) Program
Carl Milton, M.S., EOF Senior Counselor, Special Programs
Miriam Montalvo, M.S.W., EOF Senior Counselor, Special Programs
Engelbert Santana, Ed.M, EOF Senior Counselor, Special Programs
Brian Taylor, B.A., EOF Senior Counselor, Special Program
Student Support Services (SSS) Program
Brenda Lopez, M.Ed., Director of Student Support Services
Gary Martinez, B.A., Student Support Services Student Assessment Counselor
Administrative Support
Marsha Dickson, A.A., Head Bookkeeper
Sandra Parker, B.A., Secretary to the Associate Dean
For more information regarding our precollege programs, please call
Courses offered by the Academic Foundations Center are open to students in the Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) program. First-year EOF students are required to complete both Strategies for Academic Success courses (21:003:101-102). EOF students who enroll in General Biology (21:120:101-102), Concepts in Biology (28:120:200) or College Algebra (21:640:107-109) may be required to enroll in a supplemental support course.