Concepts in Biology (4)
introduces students to the study of biology at the
beginning of their course of study. Central ideas in the biological
sciences will be highlighted, with an emphasis on the process of
scientific discovery and investigation. The course will provide the
basis for more advanced coursework and learning experiences in the
biological sciences as students delve into the curriculum.
Prerequisite: 21:640:109.
Foundations of Biology: Ecology and Evolution Lecture (3)
This introductory course considers the population level of biological organizations. Topics include Mendelian and population genetics, evolution, and ecology of populations and communities.
Prerequisite: 28:120:200 with a grade of C or better.
Foundations of Biology: Ecology and Evolution Lab (1)
The laboratory reinforces the topics covered in Foundations of Ecology and Evolution Lecture (21:120:205) with hands-on activities and exposes students to current methods of research and analysis in these areas.
Prerequisite: 28:120:200 with a grade of C or better.
Evolution (3)
This course will provide a comprehensive introduction to the field of evolutionary biology. Topics will include: the development of evolutionary theory, the history of the evolution of life on earth, the genetic basis of variation and heredity, natural selection, evolution and development, and speciation.
Prerequisite: 21:120:201 and 21:120:202 or 21:120:201 and 21:120:202 and 28:120:205 and 28:120:206 with a grade of C or better.
Principles of Neurobiology (3)
Reviews neuroscience concepts at a
basic level. It will cover basics of cellular physiology, molecular
biology and developmental biology of nerve cells, network physiology,
behavior, cognition and memory and learning. This course will prepare
students who are interested in a neuroscience sequence for their major.
Prerequisites: 21:120:201 and 21:120:202 or 21:120:201 and 21:120:202 and 28:120:205 and 28:120:206, with a grade of C or better.
Collective Intelligence in Biological Systems (3)
Provides an overview of the fundamental principles
underlying the organization of animal and human societies. It will
include detailed consideration of behavioral, social, and physical
processes that are responsible for the coordination of activities in
large animal and human groups and social.
Prerequisites: 28:120:205 and 28:120:206, with a grade of C or better.
Ecology of the Dining Hall (3)
This course will use the examination of an on-campus
ecosystem, the dining hall, as a framework for learning about a number
of applied ecological concepts. We will investigate topics such as food
webs, nutrient cycling, microbial ecology, and agroecology as they apply
to the organisms and biological processes, present in our dining hall.
Course work will involve extensive reading and discussion of scientific
and popular literature, supplemented by regular class trips to the
dining hall and related on-campus facilities.
Prerequisites: 28:120:280 with a C or better.
Mammalian Physiology (4)
Reviews general principles of the function of the human
body as a mammal, with emphasis on the function and regulation of
neuromuscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, and
excretory systems. The goal is to provide students with the basic
knowledge to understand how their own bodies operate.
Prerequisites: 2121:120:201 and 21:120:202 or 21:120:201 and 21:120:202 and 28:120:205 and 28:120:206, with a grade of C or better.
Introduction to Neurophysiology (3)
Examines the physiology of neurons such as excitability,
impulse conduction, synaptic communication, and neural and synaptic
plasticity. The objective is to provide students with a basic
understanding of neural signaling and communication.
Prerequisites: 21:120:315 with a grade of C or better.
Physiological Mechanisms (3)
This course will utilize clinical
(pathological) case studies to reinforce physiologic knowledge and
provide students a strong basis for future studies in biomedical and
health related fields.
Prerequisite: 21:120:201 and 21:120:202 or 21:120:201 and 21:120:202 and 28:120:205 and 28:120:206, with a grade of C or better.
The Ecology and Evolution of Disease (3)
Addresses those aspects of ecology and evolutionary biology most relevant to understanding the origin, dynamics, and treatment of disease (both infectious and hereditary/genetic). The class will be a mixture of lecture and discussion of case studies. Material covered will include biology, mathematical models, and some aspects of human behavior.
Prerequisites: 21:120:201 and 21:120:202 or 21:120:201 and 21:120:202 and 28:120:205 and 28:120:206, with a grade of C or better.
Conservation Biology (3)
Provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of conservation biology, as well as philosophical and economic concerns.
Prerequisites: 21:120:280 or 21:120:370, with a grade of C or better.
Neural Basis of Behavior (3)
This lecture course explores the neural mechanisms underlying animal behavior. It is intended for upper-level undergraduate students who have some background in biology, hence the prerequisite for Foundation of Biology. It is unnecessary for the students to have taken animal behavior or neurobiology; however, these courses would be helpful.
Prerequisites: 28:120:315 with a grade of C or better.
Evolution of Animal Behavior Laboratory (3)
A lab course focusing on research in animal behavior. This
course will cover foraging, predator avoidance, territoriality, and mate
choice. Labs will be inquiry-based with students designing experiments
to test hypotheses concerning aspects of animal behavior.
Prerequisites: 21:120:222 or 28:120:222, with a grade of C or better.
Biology in Science Fiction (3)
Popular science fiction media will
be utilized to initiate thinking critically and creatively about the
biological sciences; from the molecular level to whole organism
physiology. Students will explore the potential biology of fictitious
organisms and determine real-life analogues. These topics will be used
as a vehicle to improve scientific writing and to apply biological
knowledge in a new and unique way.
Prerequisites: 21:120:340 or 21:120:342 or 21:120:355 or 28:120:315 or 28:120:340, with a grade of C or better.
Cell Biology of Disease (3)
This course will briefly review the
normal physiology of mammals and humans and will then extensively
explore the basis of many human diseases at the cellular level. The goal
is to understand how alterations in normal functions of cells affect
the function of the whole system by reviewing current research in the
field of cell biology abnormalities.
Prerequisites: 21:120:355 or 28:120:315 or 28:120:344, with a grade of C or better.
Endocrinology (3)
Discusses endocrinology from both an anatomical and
physiologic view. We will discuss synthesis, distribution, and
regulation of the entire human endocrine system. The goal is to provide
students with a basic knowledge of the complex endocrine system.
Prerequisite: 21:120:340 or 28:120:340 and 21:120:355, or 21:120:340 or 28:120:340 and 21:120:356, with a grade of C or better.
Cellular and Systems Neuroscience (3)
This course will examine, from both a cellular and a systems perspective, neurophysiological phenomena such as excitability, impulse conduction, integration of activity at the cellular and at the network level, and network level behavior of the nervous system. The goal is to provide students with the basic knowledge to understand neurobiological processes at all levels of complexity.
Prerequisites: 28:120:315 with a grade of C or better.
Neuropathophysiology (3)
"Nervous System Gone Bad!"
This course will briefly examine the normal physiology of the nervous system and then extensively explore the basis of many neuronal diseases. The goal is to understand how any alteration in normal functions of the nervous system affects the function of the whole system by reviewing current research in the field of nervous system abnormalities.
Prerequisite: 28:120:315 or 28:120:341, with a grade of C or better.
Ecological Field Methods and Analysis (3)
This field-oriented class will study animal and plant communities using a combination of field, laboratory, and theory work. The goal of this course is to understand ecological principles and to introduce students to modern methodology for fieldwork, the techniques and instruments used, as well as the theoretical basis for their application. Students will collect and analyze data, and report the results in written and oral format.
Prerequisite: 21:120:280 or 21:120:370 or 21:120:380, with a grade of C or better.