After a student declares his or her minor at the Department of Biological Sciences, an adviser will be assigned. Then, to complete the minor, the following requirements need to be fulfilled.
Questions concerning the minor may be directed to the Department of Biological Sciences, Boyden Hall, Room 206 (973-353-5347).
1. Core Course Requirements (12 credits required)
28:120:200 Concepts in Biology (4)
21:120:201 Foundations of Biology: Cell and Molecular Biology (3)
21:120:202 Foundations of Biology: Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory (1)
28:120:205 Foundations of Biology: Ecology and Evolution (3)
28:120:206 Foundations of Biology: Ecology and Evolution Laboratory (1)
2. Required Courses (10 credits required)
A) Ecological and Evolutionary Framework (one course required)
28:120:222 Evolution (3)
21:120:280 Ecology (3)
21:120:282 Animal Behavior (3)
21:120:370 Plant Ecology (3)
B) The Functional Organism (one course required - 4 credits)
21:120:211 Plant Kingdom (4)
21:120:230 Biology of Seed Plants (4)
21:120:330 Plant Physiology (4)
21:120:335 General Microbiology (4)
21:120:340 Mammalian Physiology (4)
21:120:342 Developmental Biology Lecture (3)
21:120:343 Developmental Biology Laboratory (1)
C) Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms
21:120:352 Genetics (3)
21:120:355 Cell Biology (3)
21:120:356 Molecular Biology (3)
21:120:360 Biochemistry (3)