A major in sociology provides the student with a basic understanding of the causes and consequences of the ways people behave in relation to one another. It is a pertinent field of study for anyone whose work focuses on human social behavior, whether that work is in sales, politics, law, management, instruction, advertising, journalism, research, criminal justice, or social welfare.
The requirements for the major include:
1. 38 credits in Sociology 920, Anthropology 070, and/or Criminal Justice 202 or Social Work 910 (maximum of 3 credits) courses, which must include 21&62:920:201 Introduction to Sociology
2. Competence in research methodology, basic sociological theory, and elementary statistics to be demonstrated by completion of:
21&62:920:301-302 Social Research I,II (4,4)
21&62:920:409 Classical Sociological Theory (3)
21&62:920: 415 Contemporary Sociological Theory (3)
3. At least 4 additional courses in Sociology
Candidates for graduate school are advised to take German, French, or, in the case of students interested in Latin American studies, Spanish.